Force Sword

As a HUGE fan of the psyker I’m fine with all the changes except one. The force sword push costing peril feels effing awful. Not being able to safely use brain burst or lose the ability to safely push if I do is just not ok. Pushing is extremely important in this game and brain burst is extremely important for maintaining needed psyker buffs.

Right now it seems like a binary choice between being able to use the force sword or being able to use brain burst, but not both. If the regular push is going to cost peril at least change it so that it doesn’t interfere with the passive quell.


I heavily agree. Something as boilerplate as PUSHES costing peril just screams of an idea that wasn’t playtested beyond the easiest of difficulties. The other psyker nerfs, I think that I can live with. But pushes costing peril IMO just completely torpedoes the force sword below the water line. I can’t fathom the thought processes that were behind making this change.

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I completely agree with this feedback. Having your passive quell be interrupted by pushes is extremely harsh, and honestly completely turned me away from the weapon after trying to make it work. I would suggest that push would not cost peril, while the push attack still would.

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yeah I agree with this, push attack can cost peril but not the regular pushes

the changes yesterday made me feel much better with the psyker, being able to quell quickly now has me no longer worried about the force sword

The quelling buffs made pysker better able to manage the problems of the force sword, however it’s still impossible to defend its pushes and push attacks costing peril. Even the special attack costing peril was highly questionable since other weapons like the chain weapons and power sword fill the same sort of niche with their special attacks at no extra cost whatsoever.

@Armchair I agree the push should have never cost peril bc tide games need to use push a lot.

The push attack should only cost peril if it can reliably push more targets than any other weapon’s push attacks, sometimes it pushes everyone and sometimes its just 1 or 2.

The special should definitely cost peril it does way too much damage for its cost and cast time, you can cast it twice in the time of one brain burst and each cast is about 2/3 of brain burst dmg.

Also your sword’s warp resistance stat reduces the peril cost a lot, I can use my special 4 or 5 times before getting to 100 and I don’t have maxed warp resistance or peril resistance.

I still think the power sword special is comparable to the force sword special. However I will admit that the special attack costing peril is acceptable since it can be used as an optional tool to synergize with mechanics revolving around maintaining high heat. Special attacks are something special beyond the basic fundamentals of combat. A player can always abstain from using special attacks if he’s too hot. But for the pushes and push attacks, those are basic fundamental boilerplate features of any melee weapon. They’re something that any class should be able to fall back on when they don’t have breathing room to leverage their other mechanics, and you just can’t do that with the force sword since its pushes being haphazardly tied into peril generation places you at far too great of a risk of being placed between a rock and a hard place style catch22 where you can’t interrupt the enemy and clear space with a push since you’ll overheat, and you can’t wait for yourself to cooldown since the enemies will swarm you and break your guard. ‘F’ isn’t always going to be off cooldown, we can’t depend on teammates to cover for us during dire situations, and we don’t have some kind of talent equivalent to Unchained’s “Dissipate” talent where blocking itself becomes an outlet for heat.

It’s just straight up bad design for the basic push/push attack features to tie into the peril system. I feel like a lot of people here are suffering from some kind of Stockholm syndrome effect where they were in a bad situation because of the pysker nerfs, and they’re still in a bad situation but they feel complacent now since they were granted a small concession. The quelling buffs from the hotfix the other day were great, but it did nothing whatsoever to change the fact that force sword pushes and push attacks shouldn’t cost peril.

I have done a complete 180 on my thoughts with the Force Sword. I think it’s reasonable to cost a little peril considering how powerful the push is. If you’re at high peril you either wait three seconds or do a push and immediately quell. You quell peril so quickly and so easily now it’s just not really an issue anymore. In fact, it just makes the game a little spicier because you have one more mechanic to play with. I just finished leveling up my psyker and played force sword the last 15 levels and have to say I absolutely love the thing.

@Streven7 I agree the sword feels pretty good and the cost on the special is fine.

but the push can force you into a doomed to die situation if you are at high heat in a horde without your ult. You choose between dying from the mob, or pushing and overheating.

Push should not cost peril, the push attack could cost peril if they make it more reliable, sometimes it works on everyone and sometimes it only works on one enemy in the swarm. If the push attack will continue to cost peril it should do some damage(if I use it 3 times that should do enough damage to kill zombies)

And there we have it :slight_smile:

We included the missing piece of the initial Psyker balancing, namely the Force Sword push. We’ve removed the peril cost of pushing along with a slight range nerf. Peril cost is still there on the push follow-up, though, which should help to balance its ability to ignore the stagger reduction.

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