Force Sword Suggestion

  • Played the closed beta

  • Currently 31 hours in the pre-order beta; Rank 24 Psyker

The Force Sword is pointless. It’s simply a worse version of the chain-sword. As it stands, the chain-sword is superior in every way (Cuts through armor, high damage special that does not feed perils of the warp, and lots of cleave). But my suggestion would be that the special should be altered in such a way as to trigger a brain burst. As it stands, it already essentially does, but it’s not counted as one; in that it does not give you a warp charge. I feel the force sword would have a lot more place in the arsenals of the Psyker if getting a kill with that special rewarded them with a warp charge through what is essentially a faster brain-burst, with the caveat being the requirement to get into melee range. Allowing the force sword to brain burst and grant warp charges on special kill would enable psykers to take more advantage of the feats granted on warp-charge gain such as “essence harvest” and “kinetic shield” which will keep them in the fight longer and easier without as much need to sit in the backlines and spend so much time trying to brain burst enemies that are quickly shot down by team-mates. This change is a small one, but it would undoubtedly make the force sword a million times more useful, and establish it’s role as one of the two unique psyker weapons. As a weapon that is actually unique beyond a shove and the ability to calm peril.

Force Sword’s basic moveset is really good, the block push in particular is amazing

The special move on the other hand is a recipe for suicide

  • You need to activate it
  • You need to charge a heavy attack to reach decent damage
  • You need to reach your target before the buff wears off
  • You need to hit said target and hope some random trash mob doesn’t collateral instead
  • You then need to wait for the entire hit animation to finish playing

At that point you probably lost 90% your hp

It’s way too long and way too much risk, i barely use the move once a mission, if ever