i was playing space marine 2 and was having a lot of fun and even thought “why don’t we have more weapons like the helbore?” so i thought of this.
how about adding a combo weapon where it’s just a bolt pistol+knife or a Lazpistol+knife? it could literally be a pistol version of the helbore without the charge requirement. it’d allow players to have a solid combination weapon like the helbore but faster even if not as strong or far reaching.
i envision the weapon to be an alternate bolt pistol mark, same stats but none of the stuff people HATE about the current BP. instead of having a poke like the current BP, it’d have a knife that can do combo attacks and can cause bleed on crit, the knife would basically just function like the helbore bayonet. the gun is a bolt pistol, the special activation is a bayonet that you swing around and stab and what have you. we need more weapons like this, it’s awesome as hell!
okay but it this argument would also invalidate the helbore having a bayonet. but because the knife doesn’t take long to switch to doesn’t mean the idea is bad, it just means that it won’t work for hoard clear, meaning it’d be better to use the knife+pistol as a single quick melee every now and then and the actual melee weapon in your loadout for clearing hoards, just like the helbore.
So basically dual weapon in VT2 worked with the cosmetic being for the whole (like how the Shield currently work), which for weapons that were Dual, wasn’t an issue, but for the ones that weren’t, it was not as good, Axe & Falchion, Maul & Sword, Rapier (& Pistol) each had issues.
And VT2 didn’t sell cosmetics for the weapons (Well except the Bogenhafen dlc initially), here we do, so I would be quite annoyed if I buy a Catachan Sword cosmetic, but can’t use it for the Dual Catachan Sword; Catachan Sword and Dagger; Catachan Sword and Laspistol… or what ever they do.
Hence why I think having each weapon treated separately (No not to the volume of Weapon customisation, that’s dead and buried) for the purpose of cosmetics, so Catachan Sword and Dagger would have 1 page for the Sword, and one for the Dagger.