So im setting up my last class, the Veteran. There are very obvious things that are annoying and not balanced anymore.
- As a Recon User and Vet in General we loose the 40% Buff to Ammo. Its a Skillpoint now 25% (at the very bottom…WHY). The thing is it should be Passive and it should be 40% again. No Skill point needed! Its 300 Bullets less
YES, 720 Ammo is definetly not enough on Recon VIIa (which shoots the slowest of all). i think it was 3 Bullets per Burst now, its four.
If i want to have enough Ammo as a Veteran with obvious Weapons, which is the Ranged Class of the Game, i need to skill 25% more Ammo and i need to have" no Ammo Consumed on Critical hit".
Now i need to Re-bless my Lasgun to give me Critchance on on Weakspot hit. I went away from that and went with Deathspitter/ DumDum (which is amazing) cause Crit it was not worth it before adn RNG of course…
Since we dont have Keystones which are very, very Powerful, it would only be Fair if we get at least to choose up to 3 Skills as Passiv, without LINKS NEEDED. Just Pick what you like!
Better would be Level Cap to 40 for all Classes. The Enemies have more HP , we have less Ammo and we get locked out of some very very much needed Passiv Skills. It hit my Eye fast reading and skilling through the Tree.
Yes there is some synergy, but A LOT IS LOST ASWELL!
You know i loved my Recon Las Vet even on T5, even when i could do more Dmg with other Weapons. It was just so much Fun Spraying them with Lasers. Now im not sure if it still is viable as it was, casue the Synergys are gone and to get it back i have to go very very specific and loose out a lot of good skills which you are in need aswell!
- A other Point is that survivability as a Vet is kind a bad now. AGAIN, you loose SKills you neeed elsewhere just for Survivability, becaue the Vets can only get Toughness back in Ranged Departement. (yes you can with melee Weapons, of course, but the Main Regen happens on Ranged, like on other Classes in Melee or Quelling)
How can i get enough Ammo and Survivablity as a Vet?
Toughness on Weakspot hit was always kinda, meh. The only Good option is toughness on Specials and Elites. For that i need Ammo. ( I need Ammo in general XD)
Now i cannot have Ammo and survivability together as i had, no i have to choose…
Do other Classes need to choose between survivability and Dmg?! definetly not.
These skills are on the very top and you cannot go wrong on every other class. The Positioning is very Good, not so on Vet.
Yes FS, i see the Reason why on Vet, but its not Good.
Streamlining all Classes Skills to so they loose their Passives we were given for Free, so to speak is totally working on all the other Classes, but not on Vet.
Im Main Ogryn also, i love to play all Classes in that regard!
Please Bump up the Level Cap for all Classes, or do soemthign about the Vet and fast!
My Concern is that some Weapon Build gets totally dumpstered sadly, like the Recon.
I can see the Revolver & Shotgun also since they have no Ammo to begin with, even on Vet. I love th Underdog Guns, cause for me its boring to play Meta all the time. The other Weapons are fun too and i wanna use them. Shotgun was Fun since the Game released aswell as Revolver
You could argue that as Zealot Revolver is totally fine with even lower Ammo count. Yes thats true, but his survivability in Toughness Regen lies in Melee. Vet does not!
Third Point is just i get forced in a Build i dont really want to. Recon only viable with Crit Chance now, but the skills we need is all over the place…
I tried a Rending Close Quarters Shocktropper with the Recon i had (without Crit Rending). Deathspitter/ DumDum. I think it snot even working. Theres no UI Element for it and i didnt notice and 12% more Dmg so to speak or improvment in Killtime over the Gameplay i uploaded in a Thread a while ago)
Again not possible due to Ammo and SKillpoint limitations. I just dont have enough Ammo/ Skillpoints.
All the Idea and Feedback came from Players who prolly Teamplay all the time and share their Ammo. No Hogging Ammo. THIS IS A HUGE FACTOR ALSO. Recon was and is more of a Hordeclear Weapon iMHO due to various stas it has! I have my Chainaxe and my Recon VIIa for Horde and single Target, but its bad now.
Random Teams?! They are absolutely f´d -
Some of all thes things couls also be KINDA worked around with the removal of Locked Blessings and Perks. WE have to get a whole new Arsenal of Weapons in that RNG Hell.
All the Good One i have and im not the only one took, us a Year. Now at least half of my Armoury is not useable because of this Patch. I have to rebless, regrind too much, AGAIN…
ON my VIIa i have to swapp out Maniac Dmg 25% and Deathspitter because of Limitations of Locks to make my VIIa useable again due to Skills limitations. I need Critchance as much as i can get to counter all the nerf/ changes… XD
I had perfect setups that compliment each other in all Loadouts and i grinded hard for that!
Now its all gone on Vet
Do all the Classes Skilltree need to be Streamline? I dont think so for said Reasons. Yeah theres always a looser. But this one is tough pill to swallow.
I can imagine that in Playtest no one noticed this, since there was so many new Skills and it got under, because everyone was trying new builds with all the new classes!
I made all the Loadouts again i had and tried to make em Unique aswell, or the same, just better.
This one should have been sadly a Vanilla Build…
What was the reason to Nerf the Ammo Pool, it was totally fine.
Yeah im sure it was not intended to “Nerf” the Recon Lasguns, but there you go. It was never top contender but a Good Weapon (at least one VIIa) and a Fun Weapon to use!
R.I.P. Recon Lasguns
All of this i noticed before even playing the new Patch just when tinkering and testing in Psykhanium. How come all these Testers havent noticed?! again shiny new Skills and Grenades, which im all about of course ^^.
No really great Job everyone, just a few areas to tinker Guys and we are in a super nice Spot with the game!