Oh I misunderstood you. I thought you meant that you successfully got one after spending all those resources and didn’t want to swap to something else
Gear chasing aside, I do hope they increase the level cap to 35, like they did VT2. I honestly don’t mind that psyker is strong currently. They should introduce more modifiers n stuff to keep it rolling for stronger enemies, or more hordes on screen.(possibly increase ammo economy to adjust for inflation)
This gear progression is this game’s biggest problem and the biggest reason that players quit. The locks should have been completely removed six months ago alongside the addition of red weapons.
Well, the Dmg is is one problem problem, the other isthe Ammo Consumption. You Burn through Ammo way too fast without the Crits. Even on the VIIa with slowest Firerate, sadly.
Survivability is the other most important thing on Vet. You need to have ranged for that.
If you dont Crit you wanna at least have Rending right? Well Good luck with the Points having Rending on hits, reasonable Ammo Pool, and some kind of survivability.
Friendly reminder that survivalist completely on its own is vastly more ammo economy than literally any other class gets access to. I find this common Vet mentality of “infinite ammo or bust” kinda odd TBH. Ammo pickups still feel pretty prevalent to me despite what some have said honestly.
I see your reasoning, what about it a Ragned Class, that needs Ranged Kills to Survive. Thats all the reason. Yes on Paper some sounds reasonable and Good. But in reality its not so much.
However a Ranged Class that is Primarly a Ranged Class, see alone all the skills about being away from Enemy that gives Buffs, makes no sense if youre struggling with Ammo; YOU NEED IT!
THe other Problem is, Darktide still isnt Vermintide 1 or 2. What is so bad about being able to shoot through the whole Map?
Why do People wanna bann it just because “THEY” dont like it. SOme enjoy it. I love V2 for the Melee especially, i didnt like the Ranged Characters for the most part.
But here its a whole other Story. Its 40k and not Fantasy Warhammer.
Dont take away others Fun cause you dont like it. Maybe we should ban or nerf Melee so heaviliy everyon needs to play Ranged now, how about that?!
Its not infi Ammo or bust… but agian i see why you could say that. I sadi Reasonable Ammo Pool, not infinite Ammo.
Ammo on Vet is Survivability. Dont compare him to any other Class.
gets Survivability from kills, especially Warp and Peril of any kind, doesnt need Ammo. Can get Toughness through Melee or Ranged doesnt matter, boith work just fine with Force Sword and Staff
Ogryn & Zealot
Ranged, but for that you need Ammo. Melee is no Option, even the 2,5% per kill is a joke and doesnt help you at melee. And thats what you have to gof for if you ran out of Ammo.
All Toughness Regen is about Ranged and Ranged only!
HE IS THE RANGED CAHRACTER thorugh and THrough. Yeah you can kill ranged with Ogryn, but he doesnt rely on surviving with Ranged. Thats Melee for you on Ogryn.
So Vet has no Melee toughnbess Regen Skill that is viable unlike the others!
PS: Im still and will always be Ogryn Main, just to put that in. I enjoy Vet becasue its the opposite of Ogryn and i want some different Gameplay from time to time! I play all classe in that regard.
I mean Ogryn has a whole gun tree and still has vastly less ammo regen than Vet with just survivalist, that’s not even factoring the las crit talent. Most of that right branch requires you to be shooting to get value from it. I’d assume you don’t think it’s a problem for him because of better toughness talents?
I’m just gonna nitpick a bit before continuing:
I’m just gonna point out that confirmed kill, that is by far Vet’s best toughness talent, one of the best in the game, does not have a ranged condition at all. Confirmed kill does not require you to use your gun at all to benefit.
I mean his left branch is, there are an awful lot of grenade, melee, and general rending buffs, and even team buffs to boil his entire new tree down to “the ranged guy”. Seems very reductive to his kit.
Regarding toughness regen options I agree he does the worst, with just one, admittedly really strong, toughness talent mostly carrying his survivability, and buried pretty deep with a high cost point to reach (though the talents right before it are really good for any build anyway). I fully support making his toughness options more accessible and perhaps adding a new one, as well as probably increasing his base toughness/toughness nodes to get closer to him furthere toughness levels. I just don’t agree that more ammo is the natural answer rather than addressing the actual toughness generation issues. Out for Blood isn’t bad though BTW, it’s effectively 50% more toughness from melee kills (melee kills grant 5% normally), and works on any possibly method of kill, ranged, nades, dots. It’s not potent but it is remarkably flexible.
Darktide gunplay, and the prevalence/importance of gun play across all characters hasn’t gone anywhere, even playing a melee class your gun generally fills a much more flexible role, in VT2 melee classes generally only have the ammo to care about special sniping and nothing else, in DT that’s not really the case. Playing Zealot without making good use of your firearm is only playing the class to maybe 2/3 its potential, so I really don’t see any risk of Darktide becoming Vt2 in space. Similarly I think even the most ranged of ranged classes should expect to be using their melee weapon at least 40% of the time. Everyone should have to be skillful in both to be truly effective.
I wouldn’t even disagree a good number of guns need a good amount more reserve ammo, and I also don’t like how vast the difference is between las weapon economy and everything else. Heck I love spraying brauto on Vet, I wouldn’t complain if I could make my ammo go that bit further. I’m just not gonna stand by and let survivalist be rated as any less than the S+ aura it is, and it really ain’t all that expensive to get on your build. Between all these ramblings that was my original point when I responded. Survivalist, compared across all auras and forms of ammo sustain in the game is still absolutely GOAT and shouldn’t be taken for granted. It’s way way more valuable than +25% ammo, though I certainly wouldn’t disagree that that talent should be made more accessible anyway.
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