Vermintide 3?

Can we hope for a Vermintide 3?

Can you imagine that?
What about it?
Imagine a Vermintide 2 with new graphics like Darktide, a new bestiary, new enemies, Vampire Counts, or even Orks/Goblins!
While also bringing in elements from Darktide, like the ability to play as the same character multiple times, and a more advanced customization system!

While I would love a new fantasy tide game, I hope it’s not Vermintide 3.

I would prefer to leave the Skaven aside and see new factions, and see a new cast of Hero rather than the U5 (who are to the end of their stories)


I am on board!

Fighting Lizardmen in Lustria would be my jam.


While there is that one toad lord whose entire thing is being incredibly racist for no reason, why the Lizards in particular? Wouldnt it just be like fighting a horde of chaos warriors?

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Well LM are the best pick after Greenskins and Skaven for a tide faction, and they wouldn’t necessarily be like Chaos Warrior.

That would be only if they were balanced upon being horde of Saurus.

But if you did it with Skink as the base units it’s very much more appropriate.


In short, the chaff we fight would be skinks which are more akin to humans. The Sarus would be the stormvermin closer to chaos warriors yes, but they could be unarmored, there is a lots of variance.

In detail, the reason for Lizards are as follows;

  1. Fighting Dinos , Skinks, Jungle theme in Lustria would all be a fun experience to me. Weather effects such as tropical storms/tornados/lightning/etc. can bring a new element to maps. Torrential flooding and erosion can change maps creating new paths.

  2. The lizardmen have a vast roster which @Heretical_Cactus mapped out nicely to fit in a tides like game.

  3. The theme could also pair nice, from a Lore POV, with Marcus Wolfhart and his quest to slay all the monsters in the World. His recruitment of Mercenaries could include the U5 or an adoption of the rejects in Darktide where we can make our own merc/hero. Markus does include elf/dwarfs/brettonians in his retinue, so the broad stroke is nice. This could also mean other locations, full of rats, not in Lustria since the theme would be monster killings. (DLC)

  4. Another lore tide bit would be a perspective from the Lizardmen and Lustria during the end-times, this could bring up themes where we question who are the “good guys” and is this part of the old ones plan, or can we change destiny.

  5. Add in a throwback to Jurassic Park with a Horror element and Running away from T-rex and I’m sold. Note: a lot of these examples are broadly speaking over the top and un-achievable but this would be the dream build for another tides IMO.

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You´d kill the skinks!? :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Someone summon lord Kroak, we need magic nukes here!


Well jokes aside, i kinda see where you are coming from but personally i´d not wana fight the Lizards really, the average Saurus, backbone of the armies if i am not mistaken, is like two and half a meter tall, and then, there´s still like two weight classes above them that make Chaos warriors look tiny…i do not think these guys fit into a horde fighter.

Has great potential for some kind of fighting game in more limited numbers, but not a horde game, i dont wana see some poor guy or elf get dogpiled by a heap of 5 meter tall lizards T_T

Conversely, fighting mostly only skinks doesnt really do the faction justice.

…Really best way i can highlight how outrageous they are is pointing out how these guys managed to stall out a literal demon invasion lead by multiple bloodthirsters. They didnt win straigh up (magic ritual did come through, or was it the formation of the elf vortex?) and suffered horrible casulties but the demons had to actually fight for every step of it. Plus Lizards did survive the ordeal to rebuild their holding.


Tbh I think that normal human wouldn’t cut it here, which is why I consider the Chaos Chosen as being the best pick for the player side for such a tide.

And fantasy match better with character than making your own I think.

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Actually you know what, Lizards with their diverse skills, shapes&sizes would make for a good baseline for a tide game against chaos + demons.

Lesser demons? Lizards of various sizes. Big demon? SUMMON THE DINOSAURS…Or Magic Orbital bombardment courtesy of Lord Kroak. Take care not to stay around to avoid Kroaking along with the demons.


Mind this is probably quite unreasonable but its fun to imagine.

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I guess from that PoV yea, that would be awesome, be part of the Chaos Invasion into Lustria! In this sense Rats and Lizard could team up, athough thats hard for me to believe even if its head cannon.

I suppose with the Old World line they (GW) will probably want the setting moved to fit in that time span. Before they launched that I always kinda figured they would want to shift any “sequel” over into AoS. One of my buddies theorized that that’s what Winds of Magic was supposed to be since he thought the “wind worlds” were an awful lot like the Realms as described in that setting. I couldn’t say myself; I haven’t looked into AoS very much.

Sounds more like an RTS than a First-Person Hack-and-Slash. Of course, I wouldn’t mind DoW1 but in WHFB. (going up against TW:WH is a tough sell though)

In a new fantasy tide game I would much prefer to fight an evil, or neutral, faction as opposed to one of the good guys.

Hence Lizardmen are a big “no” for me.

I do not want to play any game from FS until they finally fix and let me finish this one.

And :person_shrugging:

And I would like to for once see a warhammer game where you’re playing unabashed bad guys, not people who try to make themselves look like the good guys.

I want to play as a Khornate Brass Sister

I heard before that Fatshark is working on an unannounced project.
could it be a new entry in the Tide series?

It’s not impossible, we don’t know anything about that project yet, just that it’s not on FS’s own engine, but rather on UE5.

There are many WH games where you can do that…

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Which game, other than sand box ones let you play as Chaos factions ?

Like not DoW, or TWW1-3 ?

Mordheim is the only one I remember, and again, still quite sandbox type of game.

Best pick are Daemons of Chaos or Undeads of Heinrich Kemmler who was a chaos worshiper. So you can introduce them in any map with any combination of other enemies.
And they have cool rosters. Better then “guy, stronger guy, strongest guy, shooty guy”
Undead and demons are supernatural creatures of magic, so they are more different.

Greenskins didnt fight Empire during end times. They were destroying east.

1LM is faction of order. It makes 0 sense to them invading empire cities with pactsworn. And killing faction of order during end times means that you are bad guy. And they exists in other continents only. With same logic you can say that best enemies are high elves or empire.
They dont mindlessly meat rush you like Skavens or beastmen