I would like to hear your vision of what would future for Vermintide look like.
For starters, I’d share mine.
New Group of Heroes
Ok, we really like the U5. But, do we like them so much that we can’t even play with any other group of heroes ever again?
I can. Let’s say that Fat Shark creates Vermintide 3 and starts with a completely new story arc with 4 or 5 new heroes. I mean, they showed that they are capable enough to create deep and interesting characters. There would be enough space for the top 5 most frequently requested classes. I’m not going to get into details about characters, I’d rather speak about the antagonists.
And while we are at it, Vermintide doesn’t need to be “Vermin” oriented. I mean, they can easily name the 3rd game Greentide for instance and focus on the Greenskins (but please don’t think inside the box and limit yourself only on Orcs and Gobboes) . Yeah, I’d say that greenskins would be the enemy faction which I’d like to see the most in the next game.
And by introducing Greenskins, Fat Shark could mix it up a bit and “lend” some units from Ogre Kingdoms as well. After all, It’d be cool to see an Ogre Tyrant type of a boss or a monster unit.
Maps and Geography
Bridge of Shadows - It has been said a lot of times here on the forums that by having Bridge of Shadows there’s practically no limit when it comes to geography and maps. We could be fighting all over the Empire and even in Bretonnia or Border Marches for instance. I can easily see a campaign arc Starting in Averland and finishing in eastern Bretonnia.
Some of the Original U5 characters could pop up from time to time in some missions working together with our new heroes just for the sake of nostalgia and a little bit of humor.
Thematic DLCs
Year one into the third installment of Vermintide (Or Greentide, or maybe even Vampiretide)… We get a Land of Dead (LoD) DLC. Impossible? Too much work? I’d say it’s possible.
Story-wise, Maybe we’re helping Bardin to find some hidden treasure deep inside an ancient pyramid or some temple… Or, if we get a PROPER Bretonnian knight character, this would be some sort of a personal quest for him and the rest of the new heroes would be assisting him.
But, I’d pay a handsome amount of cash to play 3 maps that are located in the desert where we would fight against the Tomb Kings(TK). And I know that Jesper Kyd would make a sick desert and death themed soundtrack. You can’t tell me that Fat Shark could not spare a second team which would work on TK units… And imagine that not only we are looking for that treasure or that magic item… Skaven are looking for that as well! So, deep inside a Pyramid, we defeat a large number of TKs just to be ambushed by a Skaven gang.
In that way, when we get sick of the Empire, we can always hop into LoD and radically change the scenery.
A lot of people have been asking for Lustria. Why not Lustria themed DLC in year two of the third installment? Exploration, Jungle temples, Lizardmen, Vampire Coast, Dark Elves… So many options and things to pick from. The way I see it, if they plan it properly and allocate their resources wisely, Fat Shark could make these themed DLCs which would require totally new factions and enemies. Of course, let’s be realistic: We can’t expect that these DLC factions would be having a full roster of units. We would need to satisfy with a limited number of enemy types because it would just be too much work to create 2 new factions equal in size with Skaven or Chaos.