Didn’t know where to post this, but figured why not here, its related to Warhammer fantasy.
A lot of people are absolutely loving playing as Skaven in the new Versus mode in Vermintide 2, and that’s got me thinking… we could totally have a game called OrderTide.
What would the premise be? Well, essentially we’d be playing our own custom heroes of all the bad guy factions, working together in another co-op horde slaying kind of game.
Take some lesson from Darktide in terms of talent trees and customization of our characters, with more focus on hacking and slashing like in Vermintide, but let us play baddies.
Not just skaven mind you, but also chaos, Norscans, Dark Elves, maybe even Orkz and other factions that might work together.
It would be a very ambitious game idea considering all the different voice lines and interactions, but I think it could be really fun. Really I just wanna play several different kinds of skaven, but make them my own unique hero, rather than a generic variant.
With all the different unit types for these various factions there is no shortage of classes one could make for them. Skaven alone have so many lovely units you could turn into classes, from Warlords, to Greyseers, to Master Mutators (With little rat abomination minions like Sienna’s necromancer class!), to Plague Monks, to Warlock Engineers!
Not to mention if other races like Orkz, dark elves, and chaos are included, you’d have an even broader selection of evil nasties to play as!
What would comprise of the enemies, mostly… humans! Bretonnian, Reiklander, Kislevites, doesn’t matter, they all have a certain… numerous nature to them, bolstering their ranks with specials and elites from the Dwarfs and elves and other members of the Ordertide, we could totally have an Evil Version of Vermintide, where we get to play a small crack team of evil doers being sent on basically suicide missions to disrupt and destroy and dismantle the forces of order and goodness.
Let us make our own custom evil champions and bring chaos to the Ordertide.