Unofficial New Character Poll

I mean that doesn’t invalidate Salp’s point, a lot of hobbies are also ‘pointless’ but people get enjoyment out of doing them. Same thing here. Dreaming of what could be.

Hopefully whoever was responsible for the way things have turned out with WoM is going to take a good, hard look in the mirror once the general reception to it becomes apparent, but I’m not holding my breath anymore.


Ekhm… Do you compare any hobby to pointless posting on a forum where nothing comes of it? Right… but like you say, someone may enjoy it, like touching sh*t by stick.

I mean, apparently the majority of people in this thread enjoy posting on a forum where nothing comes of it - you too, as you’re still here :kissing_heart:

It’s also not like anything tangible comes of me playing video games either. And my eye twitches when people say they like fishing as a hobby, it’s dead boring to me.

Also don’t diss, I’m certain there are people into the latter, and by Sigmar we will find and destroy them.


Yes, because there is few nice guys that I like read what they post here.


Aww, thanks. <3


Am I one of the “few” ? :o


Yeah :wink:


Let’s try and keep the thread on topic guys.

Kinda disappointed that Geneviève Dieudonné isn’t at the top anymore. And I see all you heretics who didn’t vote for her… Tsk tsk

She could also be interesting as a magic caster. If they give her shadow magic, that’d be awesome.

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I mean I think it’s that a lot of people don’t really know who she is and/or haven’t read the books with her in them (that includes me).

There’s also the fact she’s an established character and so on. I like our humble-beginnings motley crew, hence I’d be all for another vampire but I’d like for it to be someone new, maybe one that’s not too far into her undeath and has ties to Saltzpyre (for the intrigue!) or so.

Like if he was (in)directly responsible for her getting turned (say a mission went wrong or he was played by corrupted nobles) it’d provide a good reason why he’d feel guilt/wouldn’t want to be the one to put her down, even though as a WHC he probably should.


That’s actually a great idea… although, I wonder if Salty would let her live? I mean, it’s tricky with him. You can see how he is with Sienna now. As for Geneviève, he wouldn’t have a say, as she has the Emperors favour and is allowed in the realms of man.

Still, shadow lore magic would be insane XD. Perhaps as a Vampire ULT, I’d love to see " The Penumbral Pendulum" going off into a horde of rat men. It’d have to be a weaker version though, lol.


It’d have to be very very compelling grounds I’d imagine, like her having been indispensable to the mission and/or perhaps even a relative of a fellow Sigmarite he had sworn to protect.

Going with the nobles idea, perhaps a Tzeentchian cult sprung up among the nobles in a town but they managed to misdirect the witch hunters / warrior priests dispatched into dealing with another threat (eg vampires) and getting killed. She helped him uncover it and/or was framed, and got turned into a vampire in the process thanks to Saltz being played. So, at the end, once he and his allies have killed everyone else, he’s left there alone to deal with her.

Perhaps he doesn’t even spare her life that time? That’d preserve his character development over VT1 and VT2. He either kills her (and she gets brought back to life) or thinks he did, and now suddenly they run into her again, perhaps acting as a sort of vigilante justice operating with a code of honour in the End Times world. Maybe she even saves some of the party from death while starving?

Sure, by all rights he should kill her, but Saltz has bent the rules now and again in the name of justice. Like that conversation with Kruber on their way to the baron’s manor in Empire in Flames, he talks about the baron falsely accusing a woman to cover up his own indiscretions and Saltz ‘convinces’ him to make a huge donation to the Church of Sigmar in exchange for not bringing it to light and punishing him further.

I’m just spitballing here, I’d have to give it more thought when I’m not so busy, but I think it’d make for an intriguing addition to the party.

It’d also be more compelling than not being able to touch her because mah man Franz said so. It’d be a real test of the party members (I imagine Kerillian and especially Bardin would not approve, Kruber would probably be uncomfortable and Sienna’s most likely to take to it alright being Sienna).

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Well, Kerillian is gonna moan regardless :joy: But yea, dwarfs and vampires are not actually best buddies. XD

It’d definitely be interesting banter…

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I want more dwarfs. Make this game Dwarfhammer Dwarfmintide please.



She could always impress him with her knowledge of dwarf customs…

…then when she shortchanges him at the pub for drinks bought using his money he’s convinced to start his own book of grudges oriented solely around their newest party member.

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1 dwarf is more than enough…

Also, this was the spell I was talking about. Give me a baby version of this, I can die a happy man :joy:

hahaha, indeed. I wonder if Bardin has a book on his current party yet? None the less, the banter would be great.

Eitherway, I’d like to see a new character that isn’t exactly aligned with the “good guys”. I think it’d be far more interesting to have someone join the group that the party doesn’t trust, but has to work with for the time being. And perhaps, given time they come to enjoy each others company.


“Why pray tell do these bandits have teeth marks upon them?”

Also you’ve got a typo there. I think you meant 10 dwarves is more than enough.

Penumbrul pendulum is amazing. I’d love to have a vampire with a shadow magic oriented career using a staff and melee like Sienna with that as an ult. Perhaps the rest of her kit is more utility-oriented than Sienna, like one staff could generate a mini-rift/Pit of Shades that pulls enemies in to CC them.

Then have a melee bloodknight kind of career that has limited ranged options

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You have just make an Italian enemy my friend :broken_heart:

I’m joking of course

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Earlier devs said that implementation of new char is nearly impossible, but during yesterday stream FS CEO actually said that it is quite possible and the way how it might be done was discussed among dev team.
We also remember that devs said PvP contradicts game philosophy and will never be in a game.