Trappers need to be removed from the game

Far too long have they ruined games with glitched, atrocious, or otherwise absurd nets that miss completely, travel through objects including walls, and pierce, apparently, through masses of heavily armored ogryns.

They end otherwise flawless runs, they are a scourge on this game.

That is all.


they should make a “narrow escape” modifier that just sends packs of trappers after you during the mission. and tox bombers. whenever there’s a horde attack.


Reflex test, lol


I don’t agree with removing trappers, but i definitely had many instances of being caught in a net through a wall or a pillar, or even crouching behind a box, where logically the net shouldn’t hit you, but does.

Just gotta accept the game’s logic, i guess.


Honestly, I think that might just be for the best.

Basically every single “this is weak” or “that enemy is OP & should be removed” thread has always been just skill issue. Ever since release trappers have gotten plenty of complaints, even back when they actually worked right (well aside from shooting through objects that couldn’t be shot through). Back then it was no different from everything else: learn to listen, pay attention, position well, and learn to time that dodge.

Since Oct 3:rd however it’s clear that they just don’t work and Fatshark doesn’t know how to fix it. The only thing that’s ever been worse were the soundless bursters, but at least they got fixed within a few months.

Trappers are the main offender behind Darktide turning from a Dark Soulsy game where every death was because of your own mistake & not enough skill, to nothing short of pure RNG and AI cheese where whatever you did had nothing to do with it at all. I like the enemy for their uniqueness, they are no other specials like them. And I don’t even mind them shooting through enemies & corners & boxes etc. or the way they used to animate as if staggered but really just ignore it and netted you anyway, those are things you can get used to and deal with. But the sound issues? There’s no solution to that.

You can mitigate it at the cost of playing in a constant state of paranoia, but you can never get rid of it entirely. Not even close.


I also used to think Trappers were not fun. But then I realized that certain builds completely counter them. For instance, I now always pick the throwing daggers blitz, because there is no way you can switch to your Boltgun or Flamer in time to kill an incoming trapper.

So I have accepted that Trappers exist to limit your choice of build to only a certain subset. Grenades were fun, but I can live without them.


Apart from the (currently) rare net through a wall or box trappers seem pretty fine to me. They’re almost 100% dodgeable in every situation. Unless you got yourself surrounded with a horde and are unable to dodge the required distance, which in itself is a positioning mistake.

I like trappers. They teach people not camp stationary in a corner and mindlessly wail into a horde unless they want to get pulled into it and immediately get downed.
Like bombers and flamers, they are high priority targets to be taken out instantly, if you don’t want to see your less capable team members fall apart.

FS fixing nets through walls and boxes is all that is required, really. The rest is user input error aka a lack of dodge timing & skill.


Yeah I absolutely hate them because of the many unfair glitches.

I think a way to keep them that would actually be fair and fun is if someone strays from the pack they get called out. Or basically whenever there are less than X amount of enemies spawned. That would make sense for their gameplay mechanic and dynamic.

They have zero place being in a massive battle/horde.

Why do so many people want to feel like gods without putting in the least bit of work.

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because a lot of kiddie games give you that. it’s not uncommon for gamers that mostly grew up with mobile games where you either grind or pay for easy wins to feel like putting in effort for wins is a waste of time.

I don’t agree with their complete removal, but I don’t think that they’re in an acceptable state currently at all. I mean, no enemy should be able to do things that just on the face of it make no sense. This includes the obvious things like the occasionally wallhacking nature of their nets, but shooting through crowds of other entities? Obviously that makes no sense whatsoever and shouldn’t be a thing. Yeah, it makes the game more difficult, but so would adding crusher gangs of 30 or a 0.01% chance you get instagibbed by a lightning bolt to the head every second. Doesn’t mean you should do any of that though, does it? There has to be a reasonable degree of logic behind the enemies capabilities. As long as they can egregiously violate common sense understanding of physical reality, then they’re unbalanced or broken in some capacity.

People aren’t endlessly complaining about this f*cker because it’s so well implemented and highly functional. This kind of consistent outcry ought to be how you gauge what needs attention as a developer instead of just letting it sit like has been.


Agreed. People aren’t complaining about the difficulty with the Trapper… they’re complaining because it’s broken.

Being able to be hit with a trapper net through a pinhole, around a corner, through solid obstacles or fences, (or grated floors when we can’t even shoot through them consistently) by a projectile that is considerably large and would conceivably get stuck on anything in the path is frustrating because it’s not even playing by the rules established by the game.

Getting netted in open space when you’re just lacking awareness being a goober is one thing, but actively positioning yourself to be in a position you shouldn’t be able to be netted and suddenly getting netted is just silly.



Absolutely this.

The net b*tch definitely deserves to stay in the game imo but with different parameters (and less bugs).

I think she could only spawn if there are fewer other enemies currently spawned (say… Half a normal horde or so?). As soon as that certain number of enemies are spawned then trappers stop spawning and current live trappers can escape to an exit.

Or even easier - trappers simply must stay away from X+ number of other enemies. This would keep them away from hordes.

Their job should be to trap stragglers or lost folk. They have no place in the middle of a huge battle.

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It doesn’t even have to be that elaborate. I’m pretty sure reapers already take some account of friendlies in their line of fire. You can often see them just kinda hanging back if there’s large amounts of friendlies between them and you and I don’t see how some similar behavior can’t be carried over to the trapper. It should take the shot when it can, which should only be when it makes sense.


Trappers should be “methodical” in their approach, actually taking a route less guarded/looked at (which they sometimes do) instead of running in the middle of a general horde like a burster waiting to kamikaze a team.
That way, if the team is looking at every angle, only then would a trapper be easier to kill.
Most players do only focus on chaff/what is directly in front of them.


Even trappers lying in ambush would be fine, so long as their sound cues are actually reliable and functional, that would genuinely be an interesting way to utilize them.

If you’re not paying attention and running around while maintaining zero awareness, lurking trapper caught ya for being an absent minded twit.

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So, how do we know this isn’t a latency issue? As opposed to it being a “buggy feature” issue?

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True, although I’m thinking of ways that might be much less work for the coders. Path finding and AI are much more complex than a simple situational friendlies limit.

But whichever way they choose, something needs to change for sure.

theyre not that bad mostly a problem if they spawn in 3s or you’re away from your team.

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I’ve said this before and still think it’s relevant.

So imagine instead: they convert the trapper’s ammo to fire stun darts, not nets. You’re effectively tasered on the floor until a team mate removes the dart.

Now there’s none of that worrying about “could it pass through a fence” or any of that. It does what it does now but without the physics issues.

Would you still have the same complaints? Even though mechanically it’s the same?