Take trappers out

Take trappers out of the f***ing game please. Idk what idiot dev decided to make this character and thought people would think its fun, but when youre the last person alive struggling against a horde.

What a freaking buzzkill to then get shot by a trapper whos net somehow goes through fellow enemies, walls, f***ing blackholes apparently.

Just take them out. Theres already enough stupid immobilizing enemies in this freaking game.

They aren’t hard to dodge, imo. Hearing them might be the problem, but once you know what their cue sounds like, it’s pretty easy to see where they’re coming from. Their biggest problem is that they might shoot their net through a horde, which is a bit stupid and should definitely change.


Nah, trappers could use some work but they’re a pretty great special


Yeah hard no lol. Disablers like this are a classic. Wouldn’t mind the behaviour of popping through a spawn door, shooting someone, then immediately retreating back into the door to be cleaned up, but otherwise great unit.


yeah, no. Trappers might be a tad annoying at times, but they’re not worth removing. I do wish that they could hit other enemies, but it’s certainly not terrible. Not hard to dodge, either.

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I’m be real. Trappers are probably the most interesting special in the game that isnt super obnoxious. All the other are just super buggy or annoying. Pox exploders, dogs, all the flamethrower burn your toughness instantly are super lame and annoying to deal with. Trappers are simple you just dodge and keeps you on your toes.

I find the specials in DT to be a whole lot easier than in VT. The hook rats would grab you in melee and drag you away from your group and hang you somewhere. Sure, trapper shooting through enemies is bs, but at least it doesnt drag you away while running from the other players. Quite easy to avoid if you hear the sound cue.

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Agreed. Only thing I would argue is all flame units need to have that toughness deletion into instant stagger/stun, slow fire thing figured out, its silly.

You really aren’t familiar with this genre of game, like, at all, are you? I don’t think this game is for you. Also your attitute is absolute trash, and lacks even a hint of objectivity or self-reflection.

Trappers are absolutely fine. They are easy to hear, easier still to hear when they’re preparing to shoot a net, and the net is quite trivial to dodge if you are paying attention and have any space at all.

The one thing I will say is that trapper nets going through thick packs of enemies is quite annoying, but maybe it’s a necessary balancing evil.


Sorry but I don’t agree, Trappers are great and add some nice challenge to the gameplay, feels great when you’re fighting a horde and you manage to dodge the net.

However I would say the simplest fix would be for them to have louder sound cues, as sometimes they do seem to make no noise at all and I get netted from behind without notice.

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They can shoot through freaking walls and you cant get out of them on your own accord.

And no you can BARELY dodge them if youre not close enough and if they dont pop out of some stupid freaking side door roght beside you.

Use work? Theh couldnt work on it enough.

If youre alone you should be completely undone by a stupid fukkin net

They need to fix shooting through walls, has happened to me.

Generally they’re fine though, behave similarly to packmasters from V2, better get used to the idea of one enemy being able to disable since theres more than one type and its a core part of the gameplay loop.


Jesus christ bro are you deaf and unable to dodge? If your bad at the game no need to yell that out to everyone

Quite possibly the easiest special to dodge if you see it coming, hell you can dodge it from behind if you pay attention to the sound. Actual skill issue.

Trappers are only annoying when they spawn behind you when fighting off a horde or event and with the silence of a ninja they get you.

Calling developers idiots isn’t exactly a good way to get them to value your opinion. They’re entirely normal in horde games as well; Smokers from L4D did the same mechanic, more or less, as do Packmasters in VT2. Immobilizing a target from short to mid-range is to be expected.

The only real issue I have is how their sounds and visuals can more easily get drowned out by a horde than the others, but within the last patch or so they seem to’ve been tweaked to stand out more, so… y’know… get good.

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They sometimes play the firing sound, not fire, and then fire which can get you good, but apart from the cleanup of some of its behaviour it’s a classic disabler. They’ve fixed it reloading, so there is a much bigger delay between their shots.

Honestly the game just needs better audio cues. The trappers are supposed to be the equivalent of the packmasters in VT2. They’re easy enough to dodge if you can spot them. Problem is, IF you can spot them. They sprint up on you silently which is the biggest issue. I think if they made a louder sound to signify that they’re coming this would solve a lot of issues. But again, this isn’t a problem with solely the trapper, it’s a problem with all their specials and even their mobs. This game has no audio cues to tell you what’s coming outside of the horde cues and the monster cues.

Trappers in this game is so much easier to deal with than the disablers in VT2…pretty standard stuff. Listen to the cue, locate, dodge the net when they fire - not just before otherwise it’ll keep tracking you.

They’re honestly fine. The dog is so much worse with how erratic and erratic it’s movements are where it’ll spazz out and suddenly leap at you after it ran back and forth 10 times

The entire point of these types of games are to NOT be alone my guy. You might be one of those guys that need a solo speed-run mode.