I mean sure they don’t drag you off like a hookrat in Vermintide, but they still pull you in and usually when fighting a horde, which means you’ll land in the midst of a bunch of enemies and considering how much harder revives are in this game, I’d say they are worse - not by much but noticably.
Sorry, but no. Would you say the same about the assassin or the hook rat from Vermintide? If it’s the general mechanic that you are opposed to (things that can end you if you are alone) then I think you are missing the point. If it’s the particular implementation then sure. I have not gotten used to the audio cues yet where hookers and assassins telegraphed their arrival very clearly, whereas the trapper I have only heard the charge up of his gun.
Compare that to the hook rat. You know he’s around because his arrival was telegraphed, but there was no audio cue just prior to the attack.
The trapper is a great and necessary addition, but it may need to be tuned somewhat.
As for the grenadiers taking all your toughness… don’t stand in fire. These things are trivial to dodge. i’m actually quite amazed how much easier most things became to dodge since the first beta (most notably snipers).
Do I think Trappers need to be removed? Emperor no, they’re a solid addition.
Do I think Trappers need some serious tweaking to make them work? By the Chaos Gods, YES, they need serious tweaking. They’re supposed to have an audio cue, and they do, but there’s times the Spawner AI thinks it’s hilarious to literally decide dropping these fellas right around the corner or near you, which means they don’t even have a CHANCE to give you an audio cue because they’re just going to shoot you. There’s been times it even shoots twice in quick succession recently, a very odd and dangerous quirk that needs stamping out. Combined with their default nature of being around for roughly 5 seconds before reloading or running away to nab another player in quick succession, the game can spiral out of control that quickly.
VS the classic hook rat, this fella is basically a suped up version of one that’s incredibly dangerous because it doesn’t just stick to one victim most of time and is slower after nabbing, but rather grabs, pulls, and grabs another in just a few seconds. Meanwhile the horde AI immediately targets a player that’s on the floor, trapped, ignoring all others. It’s essentially a death sentence in Damnation/Heresy moments.
I haven’t had any Trappers shoot twice in a row, but I have seen two spawn alongside each other and shoot in quick succession. Double spawns tend to happen on Heresy and Damnation (double sniper is just brutal). Maybe that’s what’s happening?
Noo, swear on the Golden Throne, I had it happen to me on Heresy when a Trapper netted my Ogryn friend, I was near by him as another Ogryn so I figured I can just release him, before getting netted just like that! It was an absurd moment. Was glad another friend was a zealot and threw a nade, otherwise it would’ve spiraled out of control QUICKLY. No idea what caused the trapper to do such a thing, it was the one and only time that happened.
They do pull you in a bit, but in DT you have 3x grenades, you got pshykers with aoe, you got bolters that can unload in 2-3 seconds , you got flamers, etc. it’s way easier to kill off hordes here than back in VT.
As i said in the previous post, the specials here are way easier.
Trappers definitely need a rebalanced or reworked spawn sound. Everyone else has a notable feature (bomb chirping, gas tank ticking, mutant yelling, hound panting, etc.) that lets you keep track of them, but the Trapper’s boils down to their manic cackling and their gun readying which isn’t notable and is lost among hordes or gunfights. Otherwise, they’re easily dodgeable like Mutants.
i agree, and while were at it remove hounds, and ragers oh and crushers and bulwarks, they are anoying too.
while were at it take out poxwalkers out aswell they hit me sometimes thats unfair