Trappers need serious work

They have never been fun but now they are actually sucking the fun out of the game.

Trapper nets should not pass through hordes, let alone Ogryns, Reapers, Crushers whom obscure trappers entirely. Couple this with the seemingly nonexistent trapper audio cues - means lots of failed games because of this utter BS.

I rarely go under 3/4 health in regular damnation matches and now we’re losing loads of matches because people are getting trapped by this cheating enemy. It just feels so cheap.

“that’s why your squad should stick together”… Whatever. As if I don’t always stick with a squad by default.

I’m talking about when there is a huge battle and you’re HAVING FUN battling 5 Crushers who’ve surrounded you… Then a net bursts through their chest and bam - game over because no one can get to you and the same BS then happens to the rest or they simply get overwhelmed without full squad.

FIX TRAPPERS!!! This is a priority and has been asked/raised loads of times. It’s only gotten worse since the last update. They are such fun-sponges that it’s absurd.

Literally trapping all the fun and setting it on fire.


Honestly there is a general lack of enemies interacting with each other. Flamers will stagger and burn other enemies, same with flame grenades. But trappers and gunners can shoot through entire hordes like they’re not there and ogryns and maulers don’t deal any damage to other enemies if they do a smite attack on top of their heads.

This is in contrast to vermintide where ratling gunners don’t care about shooting up other rats in front of them and any melee attack strong enough to “smash” an AoE damages whatever is under the strike.


If you could crouch and not be hit by the net i think that would be a better mechanic coz its much more realistic of an ask that you could quickly crouch mid fight with an ogryn than dodge the correct way when you can even see the trapper. But this won’t help the issue of the sound of the trapper deciding to not work


the old trapper controversy, the problem is that they would be useless if they would be affected by physics


Good. Then we could all get back to having fun again.

Being trapped unfairly (the most common way of getting trapped) mitigates any arguments in favour of their inclusion imo.

Quite literally fun-trappers.

Their real role should be to spawn when few enemies are about… To trap stragglers and loners.

They have no reason to be in the thick of it. It just creates a sour and unfair situation. They should run away if a certain enemy density is reached within proximity. Then come out again when it’s calmed down.


Trappers cover the role of the packmaster from vermintide, or the smoker in left4dead2, their attack type is an old classic, the net is treated like a very long melee weapon, it is just functional that it goes trough mobs

they already made the effort of fixing net clipping trough many walls around the map, they would never touch them again, they’d rather add a new enemy than going trough that work

Dreg sniper next? Shooting poison darts that stuns you or giving you dot damage

or a stincky could around you that spreads to your team mates cursing you

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I’m fine with being trapped as a mechanic, but in its current form and without a fair rule set - it’s garbage and more importantly…not fun. As I suggested, trappers should avoid dense crowds. A pretty easy thing for them to implement.

Slashing your way through a 30 min map with a competent team, having a blast, only to get trapped through an intense pack of crushers and mission fails within 2 minutes near the end of the map - is just bs.

Saying “that’s just the way they are” is not a valid argument I’m afraid. They need to change. And some fairly simple code changes could do that.

And they have ‘unfixed’ them in the last patch. I’ve been trapped through a door, through a massive lump of machinery (in multiple places) and around some corners.

If they can’t fix them to suit the gameplay they want it to produce, then they need to think of a different strategy that doesn’t leave players feeling completely cheated.


i would love this game to become serious, with physics, like adding friendly fire, fixing the barrels throwing ogryns around like balloons and trappers not netting trough bullworks shields

but the game is this caricature of warhammer 40k, where rejects are omnisapient, psykers speaks directly with the emperor, 1d5 knives cut carapace armor, and 1d10+3 stub revolvers that can be find in underhive dumpsters outperform weapons of which the tecnology to replicate has been lost


I’m not boiling my blood because trappers are not conforming to physics. Have them hovering upside down if you want.

I’m talking about what is a fair gameplay mechanic and their current behaviour is anything but.

If the game stops you from being able to dodge within a horde then they can apply the same pathfinding to a bloody net, but regardless - a trapper should be hunting stragglers and loners. No place in a dense, raging battle.


I think what creates frustration is that sometimes you can’t even see (and\or hear, when the sound bugs out) the trapper behind all the things that’s attacking you.

In Vermintide pack rat just walks through the horde towards you and grabs you - which you can’t avoid either sometimes, because the crowd is too dense - but you can prepare for it by staggering the crowd with block-push.

I dunno, maybe adding some additional counter-play would be good.

Personally, i rely on sound to dodge the net and i don’t think 1 trapper ending the match is too big of a deal. Definitely frustrating more often than not, but there’s many other unforseen circumstances that can do that.

Like an unfortunately-lit barrel. Or a silent crusher :smiley:


A lit barrel is a stationary, inanimate object though. If I get blown off a ledge then I accept I should have been more aware of my surrounding. I’m very cautious of barrels because I’ve learned to be (the hard way lol).

But trappers come to you and at times when it’s impossible to hear or see them.

I get what you’re saying and I agree the game can go south real quick for a whole host of reasons… But the trapper is pretty much the only one of those instances where I feel totally cheated.

I think this makes no sense.
Ogryn are still around 2m tall when crouching.
No way a trapper misses that.
Only puny humans could try dodging a net by crouching.


Add “being trapped whilst bull-rushing” to the list of trapper BS mechanics.


Good point lol

absolutely agree with this. i’ve often gone through half a map with zero damage only to catch a net through a horde, get toasted and die.
(and maybe also have teammates who don’t know how quickly they can free someone)


Bare minimum, players shouldn’t be able to be trapped if they’ve placed some cover between themselves and the trapper. A lot of times a trapper will show up next to me, fire a net at me, and during this I’ve jumped behind a pillar, box, wall, etc and it will still trap me.


Trappers are dangerous only if u not give them your attention. All problems with them solves if u just look at them and kill.

In my experience only 1 scenario is unavoidable catch: when trapper jump down right behind u (point blank) and instantly catch u in net.

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If you’ve never been trapped by a silent trapper directly through a horde or giant enemy or through a wall of fire then frankly I’m shocked. It happens to me lots.

It happened to me 3 times just yesterday alone.


Ye, im been trapped that way, but not so frequent. 3 or 4 times…

Maybe this is because of my style of play - run as fast as i can and kill everyone on my path. And i try to avoid big hordes and little rooms. If i see “that place is not suited for clutch” I just go back no matter what.

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And yet more games ruined by this POS enemy.

Literally barely a dent of damage the entire time in auric damnation - silent trapper appears whilst I’m battling a horde. Bam… Within less than 2-3 seconds my (full!) ogryn health goes to zero whilst I’m netted.

Does the exact same thing to a teammate… Mission failed.
