How are trappers the exception when it comes to being the only special that breaks the rules and doesn’t interact with other enemies. For example the flamer flames the horde, the mutant runs the horde over and even staggers maulers/crushers, gunners literally have their shots blocked, same with shotgunners, hounds knock over horde enemies as well, snipers obliterate enemies if you line them up.
However Trappers just don’t interact with the horde at all, their net just shoots through literally EVERY enemy, Its one of the few annoyances that are actually just BS. Why can’t the net just knock over small horde enemies when launched at a player that is on the other side of a horde?
It’s a visual PLUS and audio warning if you lose track of where a trapper is. Also trappers should just straight up have to walk around crushers/bulwarks/reapers/monstrosities. It literally adds to the interaction between enemies and gives you another option to make a play when a trapper is coming to trap you.
Example: I used a bulwark to stop 2 shotgunners from blasting me and he kept getting staggered a little bit, Why can’t I use the bulwark to LOS the trapper from getting me to buy me a few more seconds? I think it would be a good QOL change just to have it so when you’re fighting ogryn enemies you can use them to LOS the trapper. The main trade off is you’re engaging ogryn enemies which are pretty lethal, now you can use them to fend off a trapper for a time or block them off completely if you’re in a small room/hallway.
This problem really isn’t THAT important but I think it would just make all the games more consistent, and to those who say “The trapper is never going to be an issue and is too weak”
A ton of people in this game straight up don’t pay that much attention. Even on the highest difficulties people still get trapped when there is nothing around (I mainly play Auric Damnation or Auric Maelstroms). Sometimes people just don’t react in time or just mess up their dodging.
And just because some people don’t see it as a problem because they’ve been able to deal with it for so long, DOESN’T mean its not broken.