Its been so long and trappers are still an issue (Balance/QoL change please)

How are trappers the exception when it comes to being the only special that breaks the rules and doesn’t interact with other enemies. For example the flamer flames the horde, the mutant runs the horde over and even staggers maulers/crushers, gunners literally have their shots blocked, same with shotgunners, hounds knock over horde enemies as well, snipers obliterate enemies if you line them up.

However Trappers just don’t interact with the horde at all, their net just shoots through literally EVERY enemy, Its one of the few annoyances that are actually just BS. Why can’t the net just knock over small horde enemies when launched at a player that is on the other side of a horde?
It’s a visual PLUS and audio warning if you lose track of where a trapper is. Also trappers should just straight up have to walk around crushers/bulwarks/reapers/monstrosities. It literally adds to the interaction between enemies and gives you another option to make a play when a trapper is coming to trap you.

Example: I used a bulwark to stop 2 shotgunners from blasting me and he kept getting staggered a little bit, Why can’t I use the bulwark to LOS the trapper from getting me to buy me a few more seconds? I think it would be a good QOL change just to have it so when you’re fighting ogryn enemies you can use them to LOS the trapper. The main trade off is you’re engaging ogryn enemies which are pretty lethal, now you can use them to fend off a trapper for a time or block them off completely if you’re in a small room/hallway.

This problem really isn’t THAT important but I think it would just make all the games more consistent, and to those who say “The trapper is never going to be an issue and is too weak”
A ton of people in this game straight up don’t pay that much attention. Even on the highest difficulties people still get trapped when there is nothing around (I mainly play Auric Damnation or Auric Maelstroms). Sometimes people just don’t react in time or just mess up their dodging.
And just because some people don’t see it as a problem because they’ve been able to deal with it for so long, DOESN’T mean its not broken.


100% agreed nets should stagger enemies and be susceptible to enemy hitmass.




Counting down till someone says that would render Trappers useless.



I’ll bite. Yeah, it would render them a lot weaker. At most I think the hordes should part so you have a clear shot at them.


I like this suggestion because it could curtail the dreaded Bulwark/Boss + Trapper instagib which feels unfair, but retain the threat of the Trapper in most reasonable situations.

If nets couldn’t ‘penetrate’ Unyielding or Carapace armour would that be sufficient? In case large hitmass numbers could be created by a dense horde.


The game feels a little worse with the specialists for me. They all kind of suck, except the mutant who is your friend and bowls a bunch of stuff over like a bot ogryn…and the sniper? Really only relevant to like 2 builds that are actually range limited. Less is more, and their AI was a lot faster tuned before. That instant dog lunge they do if on inclines was all the time before, and they could be hit with the inner cone of the shove instead of that 4.5m forcefield…and 400 more HP.

Also the mutant was a lot more durable when melee weapons were weaker, now even ogryn can take them down in one hit without thrust.

The trapper has been the same since the beta but in the beta the net rescue was longer along with the trapper’s reload being longer. Both of those things should come back because a single trapper should be threatening to 2 players, it should require you to kill it before getting the pick up otherwise its a pretty weak disabler.

Honestly at this point playing random mostly I find the unannounced to you net, fired at another player but flying for like 15m to be as obnoxious if not worse…because you get tractor beamed to the trapper’s feet from so far and can be pulled through mobs of elites and whatever else. Really feels great. Especially if the trapper was in one of those spots where the audio is room specific, that Penance update bug needs to leave. It spread to maps other than Mercantile.

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Trapper chick just has exquisite aim. Nothing but threading the needle.

Maybe a solution here is to have context-sensitive smart aim like bolter etc., if your crosshair is aiming at a special through chaff it should prioritize them (some) and do some shenanigans to hit the special?

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Agree I like this idea of it knocking down the chaff it shoots through.

I don’t see trappers as an issue, again we have this conversation on the forums every few months. The issue I find with trappers are teamates standing above you, preferring to kill rather than pick you up.


I’ve agreed with this stance forever and continue to agree with it. Trappers are so unfun I literally had to download a mod and customize it to ignore basically all of it’s other functionality and JUST tell me about trappers, not to just quite this game entirely.

I feel this Ogryn event has probably exacerbated this issue, but thanks to said mod I thankfully haven’t felt it. But, with Auric already being a toss up when it comes to preemptive audio ques, one of the most aggravating, tilting, ‘I’m going to brick my keyboard through my monitor and then never play this crap game again’ feelings, is doing the dodge dance with a line of crushers/bulwarks to try and whittle down their numbers, do all that perfectly, but then hear the charge up sound of a net and realize you’re just dead.

Same happens with monstrosities, it’s just unfun that a unit that yanks you away from your team mates and basically insta forces you into a down state unless your friends are RIGHT behind you (in which case they might get trappered two due to the fun ‘double net’ they do sometimes), also ignores literally every other mechanic of the game. It makes them into this hyper terrible mess of design as unlike with literally every other enemy in this game, which you can anticipate and predict to well enough of a degree with enough knowlage about the games systems, these enemies just ignore everything you’ve ever learned about the game and drop you to the floor.

They aren’t even decent enough to do it like a dog, where you at least can just sit with your mistake and be angry at yourself but if your team is still within range of you can just get you up with a quick pot shot and you’re back in the game. Trappers just instant down you, or worse if you get the undying bug on zealot and just full get sent to revive because of the random corruption damage build up. It feels awful, there’s no ‘fun’ here, and the only ‘threat’ I see if the threat to the physical objects around me when I lose to something I could not see, could not hear, and had no chance to react to because a massive wall of meat is in the way.

To that end, I think making the trappers taller (so they naturally stick out amongst the horde, say it’s ‘a way for them to line up targets’), make it so that as stated, the net staggers/knocks over medium to small enemies it gets shot through (so that in the case of it shooting through a horde to blast you, if you ARE close to your team they can actually quick react to get you up instead of you just insta dying anyway because nothing from you to the trapper was stunned and you just got nuked from full). And most importantly, make it so that it gets full stopped by heavy armor/unyeilding hitmasses. This would make Scab ragers also block it with their change, but I think that’s a ‘worthy sacrifice’ (or an exception can be added, up to the devs) to make this just unfun, garbage enemy type actually ‘play by the rules’ and feel at least a decent bit better to fight against.

Every other special at least has counter play, I feel dumb when I die to basically all of the others and frustrated at myself. But the trapper is and continues to be the one enemy in the game that despite my continued play time with this otherwise fantastic game, leaves it at a ‘thumbs down’ for me until she’s fixed. As she doesn’t and never makes me feel like I made a mistake, there’s been like 1 to 2 times out of 100 where that’s been the case. She always makes me feel like the game just cheated me and I might as well uninstall, and that should never be allowed to persist in a game, much less as long as it has. Not everyone wants to mod your game fatshark, much less ‘cheat’ just to feel like they have a fighting chance against these piles. Make them make sense dang it xD.


I hear ya, its not as bad as everyone is making it out to be though. Monsters and specials job should be to separate the team. Thats how the game ends. The teams ability to re-connect and stay alive is part of the success.

Trappers have to come to the player, they have a sound cue on spawn and a sound cue before shooting, the also giggle and talk smack while running/during their life. The game gives you more than enough time to deal with them. By now, players should know (or have a feeling) when they are out of position and can tell the team they are about to get grabbed by a trapper. This wont work in pubs but you can prioritize staying near a team to limit the chance you get caught out.

Adjust your kit/playstyle and prioritize them. As an Ogryn main, snipers are far more annoying than something I can floss my teeth with.



well then this change won’t affect you, the rest of the community will finally have some consistency when dealing with the only special in the game that breaks the rules or is the exception.

God forbid a trapper needs to walk 3 extra meters around a monstrosity or ogryn enemy to shoot its net/have clear line of sight.

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100% that would be sufficient, the horde knock down was optional, but there is no reason why a net should fly through 10+ ogryn enemies when they literally block all other ranged attacks.


Finally someone understands.


Good, we should have it more often even until fatshark fixes the inconsistency of trappers.
Instead of fatshark changing the way certain cosmetics interfere with eachother they should fix a part of the game that is annoying and literally broken.


I mean sure, that’s your prerogative, but for more interesting opinions and feedback take a peek at the older threads, this one is a bit lackluster probably because it’s a bit too soon after the older one.

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VT2 hookrats worked the same way. There isn’t as much inconsistency here as you make it out to be. Something can consistently be the exception if you look at how it works across the games.
Given that they’re both designed that way and other specials aren’t, doesn’t it at least tip you off that it’s not broken nor an oversight, but intentional? You can argue against the design, but you can’t argue that it’s not by design.

PS: People always pre-empt these posts with “someone’s gonna say it’ll make them less dangerous heeehee I’m calling it now!” but those same people would probabyl also pre-empt the question “what is 2+2?” with “SOME IDIOT IS GOING TO SAY 4”


There are 4 lights!
You stumbled on the solution, put the net at the end of a long stick like a dog catcher and call it a day.
I imagine there are tons/tonnes of feral stray everything on Atoma, so it’s lore accurate.

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Intentional or not, Made to be the exception or not, this type of design is just flawed.
Breaks all expectations, its not fun.
I just cannot fathom how making the ogryn enemies and monstrosities having collision for a trapper is such a bad concept, people who never get trapped aren’t getting affected.
It makes it more predictable and less frustrating whilst fighting the bigger enemies.

HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO POINT OUT THAT IT PROVIDES A DEEPER INTERACTION WITH THE REST OF THE ENEMIES!? I thought people would appreciate deeper mechanics so that you can make some sick plays? I can’t imagine why anyone would defend the state trappers are in when it comes to shooting through enemy mass…