I’d say by 8PM AEST at the latest.
What time is that in USA West (Pacific)?
Either in 2 hours (Noon for EU) or evening (8 hours)
Those are the time slot they usually update at
Let me calculate it really quick!
About 3AM PST
I gottta set my timer to wake up
Thats in 2 hours lets go
It’s 3:05AM here in LA at the moment of writing. As yet I don’t see anything. You?
I didn’t account for both the GW and Microsoft approval factors as well as the Swedish tie which is 4PM CEST according to my Swedish friend @Wahid
So… that’s about 12AM AEST on April 17th therefore within the next 3 (and a half) hours.
Anything after 6PM CEST on April 16th will be ABSOLUTELY pushing it.
Well… Shît. Guess I’ll go to sleep then.
Enjoy the 3 hours of beauty sleep, soldier
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