
Cant wait to see the forums tomorrow :rofl:


this update seemed to have an end-of-quarter release deadline, so I imagine the next one will be at the end of next quarter. Maybe.


Pretty much where me, and my friend circle, is at. The itemisation system is the biggest hindrance.


This did get me to reinstall because I want to see all those penances auto-complete and see what I can get out of it, but that’s going to be an hour of playtime tops and none of it actually in missions. Itemization will need to be improved for me to engage with this game beyond ‘my one buddy who’s only level-30’d his zealot and doesn’t go beyond Heresy difficulty wants to bonk some heretics’.


Then there’s also this thing that’s currently bugged out in the files. It could be the one we see in the trailer.

There’s also what looks like two alternate color scheme skins for each, Grundrak and Hellus camos, but they are all bugged so can’t really see what they look like.

These could be additional higher-tier versions unlockable in the system or they could be planned premium cosmetics. I suppose we’ll find out tomorrow.

For now, I wouldn’t expect anything more than we’ve been shown and told.


was hoping we would get a loyalist version of this : (


Curiously cosmetics should have been found by traitor guard and repurposed to fit their faction.

Also the fact we have so many rejected psykers makes me wonder why we havnt seen many among the ranks of good ol papa nurgle or morb-time 6.

But alas, Poision grenade chucker!


It’ll be fun to see wether they manage to fix some bugs or wether they (re)introduce a bunch of em. Either way it’ll be funny and I’ll enjoy it

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The 16th huh
That’s not the end of the month
It’s coming out early huh

Fatshark should do this more, set their potential release dates much later than what they could do.
Its a pleasant surprise to say the least


We’re at least getting the cover art flak helmet and gasmask

But I can’t say I’m not disappointed by not getting that full head and face helmet for ogyrn for vet and not a loyalist version of the 6th mask and helmet

Fatshark always finds a way to screw vet mains with cosmetics



I hope the marketing psyker visor and the moebian visor are separate items.


They could be, the Moebian rebreather just by itself (veteran’s Vanguard hat) has an identical version (well, the leather is slightly different). So probably a good selection of Moebster helmets. I want the tan colored Moeb with mask…

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If it’s August, it’ll more likely to be September. FS need a month of vacation from their vacation.

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see you tomorrow!!

Pretty much my take on it as well. It’s a resounding ‘eh.’

It is clearly stated that it won’t…
They deliver the update 2 weeks early and they said that “crafting” changes will come later (in fact it is not crafting update but “an overhaul of our current itemisation process”)

Just to say, don’t go hoping for too much, but for example there are 1 clip where the Ogryn voice doesn’t sound like any of the current one (0:09 and 0:38, it’s the same clip)

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This caught my attention as well. What is ‘and more’ supposed to be. FS isn’t the company to overdeliver, they’re barely able to deliver anything as things stand. Sounds like empty marketing fluff to me honestly (like 99% of the ‘new’ gameplay in the video)


What time does it release?