Set during one of the great campaign of an Everchosen (Either the last, Archeon or a previous one to get more inspiration from the nez Old World thingy) or even maybe in AoS (Still would prefer the old world)
Campaign Scenario A (Shield of Civilization)
Either through mishaps or by being sent on a quest 5 Exalted Heroes of Chaos are made to work together for the Everchosen, sent deep inside the Empire, the Karaz Ankor and Athel Loren, those warrior of unmatched prowess are to face hordes of enemies in their various quests
Enemy faction: Empire; Dwarf; Bretonnia; High Elf; Wood Elf, possibly Dark Elf
Campaign Scenario B (Lizardmen+)
Either through mishaps or by being sent on a quest 5 Exalted Heroes of Chaos are made to work together for the Everchosen deep in the
Exalted Hero:
Missing 5th character idea, but ideally I’d see a Chaos Undivided, maybe a Beastfiend or a Dark Emissary
Brass Sister:
In the wake of Chaos, the women who survived have to band together to survive, showing rag against any possible enemy to survive, some do, and are even quite successful under the employ of Khorne
Mostly melee but has a few ranged weapon too (Gameplay wise: Closer to Bardin or Kruber)
- Axe
- Axe & Shield
- Twin Axe
- Great Axe
- /Halberd/
- Hammer
- Hammer & Shield
- Axe & Hammer
- /Great Hammer/
- /Spear/
- /Spear & Shield/
Ranged (Modified):
- Throwing Axe
- Javelin
- Chain Hammer/Wrathmonger
- Chain Anvil/ Skullgrinder
Khorne has very few ranged focused units, that’s why his ranged slot can also be used for melee weapons
Cabalite of Tzeentch:
Cabalite of Tzeentch, cultist who are part of Egrimm Van Horstman chief cabal, need someone dead, they got your guy, need some heresy they do to
Versatile/Ranged (Gameplay wise: Closer to Saltz and Sienna, but also to DT’s Psyker, having a deeper link to magic, so that even melee weapon have abilities)
- Sword
- Greatsword
- Glaive
- Glaive & Shield
- Sword & Dagger
- Staff/Spell from Lore of Tzeentch, and possibly multiple
- Skyfire Bow (Tzaangor)
Putrid Blightkings:
The Putrid Blightkings, also known as the Exalted Champions of Nurgle, are not one particular tribe or group, but rather a loose brotherhood that spans the northernmost regions of the world. Each of their number has been touched by Nurgle via his earthly emissaries – specifically, the daemonflies that have hatched from within the Chaos champion Bloab Rotspawned ever since the Lord of Decay claimed the sorcerer as a host for his tiny servants
(Gameplay wise: Closer to Kruber and Sienna)
- Axe
- Axe & Shield
- Scythe
- Great Axe
- /Sword/
- /Sword & Shield/
- Staff/Spell from Lore of Nurgle, Death and possibly (Multiple)
Druchii Anointed:
The Druchii Anointed are a group of renegade Dark Elves that continued to worship Slaanesh openly after the Sundering. Unclear on gender.
Versatile (Gameplay wise: Closer to Kerillian or Saltzpyre)
- Sword
- Dual Sword
- Spear & Shield
- Sword & Flail
- Sword & Whip (Special attack)
- Sword & Shield
- Glaive
- Blissbarb Bow (Poison arrow)
- Nocious Whip
- Bladed Whip
- Bladed Bow (Melee attack on bow)
- Staff/Spell from lore of Slaanesh and Shadow (Multiple)
Campaign A Enemy roster: (Non Exhaustive list)
Roster composed of Empire; Dwarf; High Elf; Wood Elf; Kislev; Bretonnia…
Alliance of the Order factions, work best during the End Time:
Roster A
- Treemen
- Rune Golem/Steam Golem
Hero: (To complete the Monster which might be found lacking)
- Dwarf Thane
- Dwarf Dragon Slayer
- Dwarf Runesmith (Moved to special ?)
- Dwarf Engineer (Moved to special ?)
- Empire Captain
- WP of Sigmar
- Witch Hunter
- Shadow Dancer
- Branch wraith
- Waystalker (Moved to special ?)
- Wizard (to many to give them all)
Campaign B Enemy roster: (Non Exhaustive list)
Roster comprised of Lizardmen and possibly Amazons
Roster B
- Carnausor
- Troglodon
- Bastilodon
- Stegadon
Hero: (To complete the Monster which might be found lacking)
- Saurus Old One
- Skink Chief
- Skink Priest (Moved to special ?)
- Serpent Priestess (Amazons)
- Eagle Warrior (Amazons)
- Piranha Warrior (Amazons Ranged)
- Kroxigor Ancient
- Sacred Kroxigor
- Eternity Warden
And a little polls for the Undivided Character:
- Warrior of Chaos Undivided
- Sorcerer of Chaos Undivided
- Skaven
- Dark Emissary (Bel’akor)
- Norscan
- Chaos Ogre
- Beastmen
- Beastfiend
- Other
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