no quickplay, no map selection, no modifier/mutator selection, non hosts take a week to progress, areas that drop to 20fps for seemingly no reason
everyone who plays this mode is either playing in a premade and grinding all the low level missions that are way too easy for “auric level operatives” and shouldnt be in the mode, or they are trying to play using the party finder and putting up with playing with randoms who dont know their left from their right. i dont even think anything above havoc 25 is gonna be possible with randoms that have 0 communication, so once all the premades get havoc 40 and stop playing, this mode will be completely dead by next year
on top of all of this i’ve had the infinite loading screen bug four times today, in my 1.1k hours before havoc i only ever got this one time
edit - i got the infinite loading screen bug 2 or 3 more times then gave up when every attempt at loading into a havoc resulted in error 9999 or 2006 or some other error
Agreed with this but tbh, the matchmaking isnt really as big an issue as i thought it was gonna be coz the looking for group thing finds ppl SO FUGGIN fast. And i got decent ppl by looking for good insignia and frames. You get ppl so fast i dont really see why it isnt matchmade coz its just an extra click for the same result.
You find people fast now because it is the new shiny gamemode, it will drop as soon as the majority finishes the grind for the cosmetics. This is exactly what happened with Hourglass in Sea of Thieves, a cool idea on paper that was very active for a week, died when people finished the cosmetic grind and realised it was not fun and is now a complete desert only populated by tryhards in premade groups or cheaters that have nothing better to do. Come back in 2-3 weeks and you won’t find anyone
For a game build around coop, Havoc is really anti-social. Unless you play with a pre-made, good luck finding anyone to play with. We ended with in a game with 1 bot, no one joined. Later we just had a full premade.
My friend got 3001 error when we tried creating a lobby in Havoc and he lost an attempt… Imagine him getting this error 3 times in the row? Not fun at all.
Also, why the hell Havoc is so easy?
We’ve played the first mission and it was like Malice at max, we f’ing Duo’ed this thing.
Why do I need to complete the DAMNATION AURIC MAELSTROM to even play that thing?
It just kinda sucks that after DAMNATION AURIC MAELSTROM warm up I got to play Malice with greem ooze on the ground.
I so was emotionally prepare for some real hard stuff, at least Auric Maelstrom, and thought that we couldn’t beat it in Duo, but I got Malice… third difficulty of Darktide with some maelstrom modifiers
I have no desire to play the game mode anyway. Looks like the most toxic bs waste of time ive ever seen. Who tf wants to play this game with gross negative health and toughness modifiers? Also it looks like a complete slog fest. Yeah no thanks I’ll stick to hi shock and maelstrom and im most definitely not using party finder. That being said they would have to work out the kinks before I ever touch it. Im just excited for new gear. Also the infinite load screen is like a daily problem on console and im sure the crashes havent stopped which is also why i refuse to touch havoc for any reason. Havoc looks like the dumbest end game added difficulty they couldve ever come up with as opposed to fun which is what we all want anyway.
For people largely playing solo and without regular groups (most players), if they’re interested in Havoc they will play until they hit Rank 40, get their cosmetics, and probably never return.
It’s not the ultra-hardcore experience some were looking for, and its too awkward for most everyone else to bother with.
My (very limited) experience so far is that Havoc is actually the most social DT has ever been. I mean, people are actually saying “hello” to each other, and that’s more interaction than I’ve seen in the game since launch!
I’m currently at 2.6k hours played in Darktide, and practically everyone greets me or cheers ForstheEmperor at the start of an Auric Maelstrom.
The social aspect that you mentioned is unnecessary for Darktide and if you really want to talk to people you can find strike teqms on the Discord, but this isn’t an MMORPG.
What Havoc needed to do was work, which it does not with all of the error 9999 issues, us AM players having to suffer in Heresy difficulty dor several missions, delayed no-host progression, and a lack of games above rank 20 because of your inability to host due to the error.
Any type of playtesting (Fatshark listening) by the community would have immediately identified these issues because they are obvious as soon as you start playing Havoc.
Ok I did my first havoc mission and was underwhelmed to say the least…but the Auric Maelstrom I did to unlock it was EXTREMELY crazy, probably the hardest mission I’ve ever done in Darktide. Did they stealth buff Auric Maelstrom?? (This was I-II in Gloriana; before that there was an A-I-II in Silo Cluster that seemed if anything even crazier.)
Maybe I got lucky yesterday but didn’t have any issues with the pugs I got teamed up with yesterday. They were all ready for the mode, which makes sense seeing as you need to clear a Maelstrom to be able to play.
This is literally Twins Hard Mode all over again. Get fancy stuff & stop playing then it will be dead lol. Fatsharks entire lore is fking everything up lmao.