Attempting Havoc for the lone player

I thought Fatshark had learned from previous complaints that we don’t like or want needlessly complex and infuriating systems gating game play?

It took me EIGHT long hours yesterday to beat the requisite Auric Maelstrom, the game mode I play every day and can beat with ease normally provided my team can just keep themselves alive. Yesterday was such a dumpster fire that I had to rescue my entire team multiple times per game and got thanked for the carry after multiple matches even when we didn’t win.

I am not that good - I can’t solo my arthritic ass to victory with any reliability, although I have managed it a couple times.

Lots of “this is my first Auric” “this is my first Mael” “I’ve not played in 18 months” and “pls just stay together in the air lock it’s scary out there”'s.

Having Maelstroms be the only filter wasn’t a good idea. Not counting already having things like Auric Storm Survivor etc towards eligibility was an even worse part of a not good idea.

Lower Havoc ranks are p*ss easy and don’t need to be gated behind HARDER game modes.

Finally after 8hrs my friend gets online, and between us we carry two randoms through a DIVIIXG or whatever with the extra everything.

We get to start our first Havoc and…

We’re malice gaming now? Multiple easy games, only one failure from my own hubris. We kept getting randoms that were useless, so we just went in as a duo and let the bots go down for a couple games. Was still not hard so I started screwing around and barrelled myself for lols.

No idea what these rank and level systems mean other than they are frustrating crap and I just want to play a harder game mode not easier ones with more green glowy isht about with a stupid gating system.

Managed to duo another rank 24 or something with another friend later because the vast majority of potential team mates were not fit to play with, pretty sure none of them have ever worked out how to PUSH a poxbuster and think the character voice lines should be followed.

So we decided it wasn’t worth the effort and went back to the Maelstrom struggle bus and carrying randoms through to come clog the Havoc system with more useless players until it collapses and FS are forced to remove it.

Don’t know what my rank is, have to wait to find out, all I know is when I join one everyone else is down in 5 mins and I’m then left to play the Solo mode until I “fail by default” and am left to try again. What a waste of time.


You’re very rude about other people playing the game with you, you know.

I’m sorry that you probably shoot pox bursters next to your team mates who are trying to push them and took my grievance with that as a personal insult.

I’m also sorry you feel it is okay to force much more experienced players to carry you through difficulties you aren’t able to handle.

If you think that was rude, you should hear the insults I get in some games just for being alive when the rest of the group want to turtle in a hall or tiny room and all end up dead when they try to shoot the pox bursters.


ah, a zealot main then. on your way then, have fun raging at literally everyone else for not being your backup band.

You just keep assuming you know what you’re on about, one day you might be correct.


Just going out on a limb here – I really think that Auric Maelstrom was stealth buffed significantly in the last patch. The maelstrom I did to qualify for havocs was also absolutely wild, hands down the craziest mission I’ve ever done in DT to that point – we had 20 monstrosities spawn in a single mission and 300+ specials.

Pointing this out bc I keep seeing people say stuff like this and blaming their teammates for being idiots etc, which idk maybe your teammates were idiots, but also auric maelstrom is seriously harder than it used to be.


so its not just me having poked the director the right way :smile:good to know and a step in the right direction given the unreliability of havoc currently :+1:


Its bad enough they put like 100 penance points between auric and maelstrom so everyday theirs a buncha malice bozos who have never played a shock troop gauntlet or a hi shock mission in their life queing up for auric and maelstrom expecting to get carried cuz they know every 5 games they get more penance points. Now its almost a guarantee atleast one of the people your queing up with has horrible legendary gear and zero concept of the fundamentals of the game. I for one hate the penances because of this and this whole beat a maelstrom to begin havoc nonsense is the dumbest pre requisite they couldve ever implemented into the game because none of these malice players are making it past havoc lvl 20 anyway and I cant imagine how many of them die constantly in havoc anyway considering theyre the same players who constantly go down in damnation low intensity missions. Its just fatshark doing fatshark things per usual. I guess the best thing we can do is just stick to hi shock and forget about anything else cuz I want to test myself in havoc but I really dont want to get aggravated trying. another great question is how long is maelstrom going to be like this? 1 month or 2 months or longer? how long will there be a constant stream of malice players disguised as damnation players coming up to maelstrom with their bubble shield smite psykers trying to gain access to havoc?

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It is extremely easy as someone with 2,000 hours in this game to figure out who knows what theyre doing in this game and who doesnt and it starts in the pre game lobby. Also someone wearing a bunch of wounds who isnt a zealot is also a tell tell sign they just hit 30 in malice and ran to auric and maelstrom as fast as they could. Lets not act like its difficult to determine who knows what theyre doing in this game and who doesnt. With that being said I have noticed the game being a bit insane as of late but I also think some of thats map dependent cuz a map like ascension riser is always a wild ride. Im on xbox so I dont have a scoreboard and I wouldnt know what the numbers look like but im sure more specials and elites tracks.

Took me about 25 minutes to beat the requisite level 3 maelstrom for my buddy to start playing havoc.

Granted he didn’t go in at level 16, but I reckon you might’ve misread the requirements for entry ?

fatshark rather make a worthless partyfinder than admit lv30 restriction is too low.

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is that “play 1 maelstrom first” prerequisite per character or per account?

i guess fatshark planned it as an entry barrier to keep havoc from being flooded with lower level players, but it went the other way around, these players go to maelstrom because the first half of havoc is malice.

as i said before, it’s very off-putting to be at the mercy of randos, with no possibility to quickplay. the first who make it through have their titles, and whoever comes later won’t find parties because there will be a handful of people left in havoc.

Dont think you have to do it with all your characters but its still going to be a problem. Its not the hardest thing in the world to have a weak link in your maelstrom game and carry them but i dont think havoc should have a pre requisite at all. I guess i do understand them not wanting some lvl 15 character in havoc but still.

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