Havoc 40 reached

Thank you to everyone that played with me/invited me/were amazing!

So, my quick feels about on Havoc: it needed a lot more time in the oven before it was released, and it’s not something I can see myself doing again after completing the last penances.

The fact that you don’t obtain your rank right away as a joining player (not hosting) is just ridiculous. You fine people on this forum are all aware of the criticism that have been said by the players about Havoc, and what you said on the forum remains accurate in my opinion.

I’d much prefer if the new modifiers were added to Auric Maelstrom instead because they are fun and Fatshark had focused on that mode of Havoc , but that’s just my opinion of course!


Thinking about it, I feel I know why they did the time gating but I think there would have been a better solution to it. I wrote an idea here: Proposal for a more engaging havoc advancement system

Basically they didn’t stop the problem, but literally just delayed it by a week. I believe there will be many new issues when suddenly there’s tonnes of people with levels they didn’t really deserve but can host. My simple suggestion should aid this.

I’m currently at H39 and game keeps crashing whenever I try h40 with a good team. Well thats a bit of a lie…today I managed to get a good team but we had 3 attempts and failed because it was brutal conditions on Gloriana of all bloody maps lol. Basically impossible :laughing:


This is just my opinion (and I am repeating myself), but I don’t think Darktide should focus on modes like this at all. Darktide is a really casual game in actuality were you queue up on random and the RNG skill level of your random group is part of the fun. You can queue for as many or as few games as you like to play on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Whatever suits your fancy.

Adding a “competitive” game mode like this, complete with ranks and titles that can prevent other players from joining because they cannot receive an invite from Discord or the in-game party finder due to not having these titles and ranks to display, replicates the worst features of World of Warcraft’s Mythic Plus.

The new modifiers are fun and offer variety to the game, but they should have been added to our already existing Auric Maelstrom, and Fatshark should not have wasted time and money developing this Havoc mode.


Can’t disagree tbh, but just thinking how to bandaid the thing in the short term.

Fatshark will do anything to avoid releasing a full map pack it seems. Gotta find new ways to recycle :laughing:


Which is a shame because the new map (and weapons) are the true highlights of this update, but Fatshark had to work on Havoc instead of creating new maps for some reason.


Lucky guy… you can finally play the game.


one of us, one of us


only 35 missions remaining… only…

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Well done, and gz. I’m at havoc 38 now and going 39 next, got True Survivor title at 36.

I was skeptical about the whole toughness nerf at first, took some getting used to. But now that I’ve found a team to run with it’s really not too bad.

I can genuinely say I actually enjoy Havoc when you can play together with people that just play well together. But a lot really depends on running with a shield psyker, it’s really nuts. Oh and holy relic zealot and shout vet. That combo is insane, kinda trivializes a lot of it.


Havoc is a lot of fun. I dunno about psyker or vet but zealot at least can 4stack FotF and not worry. Ogryn can be very strong but requires an understanding of aggressive play to work.

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Aggressive dome psyker can trivialize all gunner packs by diving into them and popping bubble as close as possible, but it requires the team to follow the aggression/dive.

Or have a second speaker with purgatus and flame shriek for full deletion.

My 40 run was with an ogryn, vet and zealot and they all played nicely around bubble. Except for ogryn. Kept dieing because of bad mobility.

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That’s surpr-


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Heh yeah it’s no secret that combination of abilities completely dominate Havoc. I feel bad for Ogryn which don’t seem to bring anything to the table that is that game-defining.

I had the luxury of running venting shriek purgatus psyker pretty much all the way to Havoc 40, because we had a shield psyker with trauma staff, a relic zealot, and a shout vet, and there was basically no problem we couldn’t solve as everything could be stunned and staggered into oblivion and melted down with soulfire, dueling swords, and boltguns. All the while having almost non-stop gold toughness throughout the entire game.

I have a few ridiculous moments on video where we are literally surrounded by walls of crushers and maulers and just throwing them around by cycling between relic, shout, and trauma staff explosions. With the unending numbers of elites being killed, cooldowns are constantly refreshed so the combat abilities become close to spammable.

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