The Vet amo nerf hits hard in T5 mael no amo pickup condition

It’s never a requirement.

Is this the best you can perceive?

I didn’t say that it ever was.
But some people felt like it was required to use this aura.

I just can’t be bothered to put in much more effort than that, right now.

Me neither that’s why I didn’t write a long ass essay about it. Just wanted to put it out. Feel free to disagree. I put it out there because I’ve seen some good changes from the ideas I supported in the past.

Believe what you want. I told you specifically what annoyed me and made me jump in :person_shrugging: I enjoy scoreboard for personal use but I genuinely don’t care about its use for argument one way or the other.

Auras on average are low impact. I think survivalist is still clearly like top 3 across all of them? I can’t even imagine how you’d argue it’s not in the upper half at very least. I won’t go on yet another rant about how it has no place being an aura in the first place, there are enough threads with talk of that, but I don’t think just tuning it back up is the right approach, and I think this modifier is pretty poor evidence for its balance state. Unless you are specifically getting everyone to dump their full ammo at the start of the map then agreeing to never fire again for a full map to get a measure of how much it actually generates over a full map. That would actually be pretty cool data.

Yeah there’s a good reason you’re not a fan of this thread when I didn’t even say much. You came in like an ass, I talk to you like an ass, simple as that.

Weird assumption . . . right.

No, I don’t think you can.

You can find your cool data in the meat grinder if you can do a little bit of calculation.

You’re obviously welcome to defend your tone, though I don’t think I actually criticised that. I’m aware I came in swinging I’m not offended at you swinging back.

Care to elaborate? Why is asymmetric design necessarily bad here? How do you even create differentiated classes and abilities without them naturally being better or worse in different modifiers? Obviously it can go too far and be egregious or annoying but we’re talking about one build for one class that has plenty of options that are strong for that modifier. I genuinely don’t see the issue here.

So can you explain what you actually want from it? Just a nerf reversal? Cooldown reduction? Something else?

Kinda hard to simulate real game spawn patterns and what percentage of elites/specials are killed during cooldown, how often team mates are in coherency to benefit and so on. You could do some very rough napkin math with a lot of assumptions but I don’t think it would be very accurate outside of establishing upper and lower limits for how much you might expect to get out of it.

What is up with you? Trying to put words in my mouth. Believe so strongly that I think asymmetric design is bad. First of all, almost anything is asymmetric. Why did you bring up asymmetric design in the first place? If I don’t know that concept, if I don’t know how to build, if I can’t play well, I wouldn’t do that good in T5 mael. Think.

That’s something I haven’t touched on and I don’t think it’s necessary my job. I offer my opinion in “Gameplay Feedback” and that’s pretty much it. Did I say revert it back to 3s? No.

If it’s too hard to calculate how about recording yourself play for a game? If you don’t know how, maybe try YouTube. I’m sure you can find a match.

If you can’t maintain a basic level of respect when replying, then just… shut up, really. Your post sounded like you’ve had an aneurism, so it’s not like people care what you’re going to say anyway.

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So you have nothing to say in regards to the actual points made?

My initial statement checks out then.

I don’t care what point you think you make when you’re delivering them like an angry child, literally. You don’t deserve to be taken seriously unless you can be civil.

You behave like that, yet expect the other side to provide meritorical arguments, seriously? What the hell is this even meant to be? Apologize for being rude and we can have a debate.



It seemed like something you’d be able to understand, given the fact that you basically have no idea what you were talkin about in your OP.

While Im not one to give an attitude or make assumtions about your mental capacity (gawd knows mine aint the best) he has a good reason to call out your opinion, you are not just discussing, you are trying to make a point right? The whole reason you posted was to complain about how the nerf made the class difficult to play on that particular mission condition as quoted below:

Yet you have great dmg.

Whats the problem here? You did fine bud, why come to the forums and complain about it. It doesnt seem justified. Im not gonna ad-hominominom but this thread seems pointless :sweat_smile:


That’s what happens when you start pulling ego from the game. As if it were somehow a qualified competition of damage output and not a simple ‘get to the end’ game (where they even put all your dead buddies in the escape sequence regardless of them being alive). Really boggles the mind. Besides some weapons being too trivial to use and others too ineffective the game is in a good spot. Could use some more difficulty tuning on enemies though…fire could use a bit more punch, breakthrough melee damage should come back, gun enemy fall off removed. Etc.

I don’t need to hear the excuses you’ve made up for throwing a sissy fit. You can be civil and apologize, then I’ll point out what is it that you misunderstood about my first post and we can have a debate.

Or you can keep having a tantrum because someone on the internet dared to express an opinion you disagree with, in which case refer to my second post for guidance.

I talk to people the same way they do. Feel free to butt in, it seems you’re ok with that.

well said

What a glorious thread.


I don’t see a problem. No ammo mod should mean quite literally no ammo so obviously 1 build out of dozen will be impacted.
Personally i would also like to see psyker getting hit by the mode in some way or other but that’s a separate discussion entirely.


I dont follow your meaning. You talk to people… the same way they do? Who is they? The people making personal attacks?

Feel free to butt in? Is my opinion unwelcome?

Seems I am ok with what? With how people talk to you, or with butting in?

The very first post i made in here I offhandedly mentioned that he has 1m damage in his score so it must not have gotten hit too hard, and his response was “triggered by scoreboard huh?”
I think he just has a victim complex