The Skitarii / admech request archive

The use of Mechadendrites is a bit of a question. Getting the class and getting the class RIGHT both matter.

I really wish everyone would get one more button press. Just complicate the game a bit more.

I could see ‘Mechadendrite lash’ /attack/stab/push or even ‘grab and turn into projectile’ as either a weapon special, a blitz, or even a fast recovery ult not unlike the zealot’s charge.

But we don’t technically have to have them at all. Skitarii are often depicted without them… and it would make sense for the Admech class skill tree to be augmentations.

Hey, how would all of you include mechadendrites/roboarms if the end result has them? Certainly they could be included in block and push…

2 melee weapon family.

Acuitor Mechadendrite.
Multiple Mechadendrite armed with various blades.

Single Mechadendrite, but quite larger one thar is armed with a Breaching tip.

my only desire from this game atm. Make big update with skitari class, Ill give you my money. This will be a great moment to reignite the game, make it come with big update like 4 new maps and player base will grow


Hard agree o=


:gear: :gear: :gear:


I still want a Ratling as the next archetype. Would be something really different!

Add this to the list

With gaming news articles like this, this would be prime time for an admech 5th class - Warhammer 40,000: Darktide / General Discussion - Fatshark Forums (


yuss, add my name to the log, may the voices of the unheard join together in a powerful chant for the cause!

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Mechanicus Archetype teaser:

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I bet a new potentia coil it’ll be mechanicus 2.

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I hate ratlings. Why? Game decided to rerun the ‘they like a tipple, claim it makes them better shots’ on every dang mission I ran for months.

Ralings need to NEVER be a thing anywhere ever again.

Friendly fire any ratling you see. h

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He can’t keep getting away with it!

Also FrankJack is added.

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Lololol now this is making me think about possible drinking related skills on the skill tree for a Ratling lol.

‘dutch courage’ - 50% reduced corruption because your Ratling potcheen has burned it away.

Dutch courage stems from the black plague in London - the Dutch were the ones brave enough to cart the goods into the city from the ships but they would neck some strong booze first to give them the courage…hence Dutch courage. Fun little fact :blush:

dualwielding is a twoarm mindset, you ain’t a true admech fan if you settle for less than tripplewielding… :male_detective:


Sounds like a genestealer dog whistle…

This one right here, Inquisitor


What’s a brother got to do to get an Omnissian Axe and Transonic Blade around here? :pensive:


Omnisian Axes aren’t 3h though.

All art and miniatures feature them as 2h (And 1h for some older arts)

I accidentally posted it before adding in the second weapon, that’s my bad.

So paired Omnisan Axe + Transonic Blade ?

Don’t really see those 2 being paired, Transonic Blade + Blade or Razor, sure.