The Shop needs to go

Coming to this from VT2 is an utter chore when it comes to weapons. While I understand the implementation of the shop as a method of prolonging the grind, it is an anti-player artificial extension of the game, and completely unneccessary. In VT2, you already have to scrap your weapons and create new ones/acquire them from crates. This is an acceptable extension of gameplay, because you can pick and choose precisely what you want, without having to wait an entire real life hour just to have the possibility of getting a weapon you want. The Shop in its current implementation needs to be immediately removed and replaced with the forging system from VT2. Even if it doesn’t make sense lore-wise for 40k, it is an infinitely superior choice compared to the current system, and neccessary before the game releases on the 30th.


As much as I disliked the random chest system in vermintide, forging is way better than this. The shop is a mess.


Please either make the shop provide all types of weapons, or make a crafting system.
I think a happy medium would be to upgrade your existing weapons with the regular currency. So even if the shop provides sh*t options you can try make it better.

But thats a solution to a problem that shouldnt exist anyways :confused:


I like the shop. Its always somewhat exciting to take a look after some missions whats new.


Another big issue with the shop is constantly seeing items you cannot buy because they require a trust level you aren’t at. With the massively limited slots, randomized items, and already gimped weapon access system that is currently progression it’s just…frustration incarnate.


Just give us the WoM weapon system. It’s WAY better than the old Vt2 material grind reroll simulator or the random shop.


Also, the requisition system seems to just be Shop+? I’ve changed classes a couple times, so this is second-hand from a friend who has reached the requisition system, but it seems to just be a shop with higher-ranked gear that uses a more difficult currency. My understanding going into the game was that the requisition system was going to be how you got a specific piece of gear you wanted instead of waiting for it to randomly show up in the Shop. I’m very disappointed that it’s just a more difficult-to-access random list.


Shop is just bad. Why it refreshes once per hour? Why can’t I manually refresh it? Also why I have like 5 shovels and 4 same Lasguns? Why can’t shop have at least 1-2 types of every gear for class so at least I can upgrade a thing I need to upgrade.

Fatshark, RNG is never cool. I still think you folks mistake target audience of Vermintide 2 with Destiny 2. We want progression, not rngression.

I know crafting is coming (confirmed by devs on Discord) but Shop is just bad. It’s furstrating to play few hours and see same and same weapons there over and over again without any way to refresh it.


Yeah, the clumping of same item in the shop tells me the dev just made it random, and actual randomness sucks. Needs better distribution of items than random.

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At the very least, can they give us an option to spend money to force a reroll of the current list?


if they want to keep the current system of the shop, they have to massively increase the amount of equipment available which will increase the likelihood of item variety and the likelihood of us getting stuff we want. With an increased shop size, there would have to be sorting and search functions, as the current list would be inadequate.

Re-rolling shop items as the above poster suggested would also greatly improve things.

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I absolutely hate coming back to the RNG shop EVERY hour because the missions don’t grand us any loot (1 white weapon every -h of gameplay is NOT a reward).
Keep it, but don’t make this the default gearing system


If we can’t have AT LEAST one of every weapon type available to our character, the shop is kind of worthless.


The shop can have its use, but this is also an imperial ship with a mechanicus presence, meaning we should also have a crafting forge.
The shop can give us a way to get things we dont already have and the forge could give us a way to make things we already do


I think we need to reserve judgement on the shop until we’ve seen the crafting system. If you can adjust the bars, the bonuses and the traits on the weapons enough I don’t think the shop is genuinely an issue, you won’t have to just wait for the perfect item to appear in the store, you only need a solid item to work off of to eventually build the perfect item yourself.


I didn’t play enough to even unlock the shop, but I’m flabbergasted how the developers solved this simple issue with Winds of Magic but then completely forgot about this ingenious system in the sequel. In case for those who don’t know; Winds of Magic introduced a system where you get a basic weapon of your choice, spend a currency to upgrade it, unlock its slots, then spend additional currency to fill those slots with properties/traits of your choosing.

It was a fantastic solution to the boring weapon progression system of Vermintide 2. It’s mind boggling how this system is forgotten and substituted with the same boring random based weapon progression that everyone complained about. A real shame how we have a repeat of that in Darktide.


You can buy them but just not equip them.


I gotta agree with this, the shop is aweful, and what i dont get is, the loot system of VT worked, why did they reinvent the wheel here.

What has me really really worried is the Real money shop. Since DT does not use power levels, but instead the number on the weapons is the number of stats it has, im worried we are going to see effectively loot boxes set up that have a much higher chance to drop higher level gear taht is randomly rolled.

Because when you look at the shop, the way gear is itemized and stated, it makes perfect sense in a LootBox system. Imagine if in VT you had randomly rolled damage on weapons, or randomly rolled mobility.

The shop very clearly is set up to push a loot box system, no other logic makes any sense in the long run.

It’s absolutely preposterous that the weave system wasn’t implemented here, let alone in VT2.

I think about this daily, like Jennifer Lawrence’s character in Don’t Look Up.


Frankly, I have no idea why any of you guys are saying Vermintide 2 was better than this. Like, at all. Whatsoever.

Vermintide 2 had two primary ways of getting weapons:

  1. Random chest drops which you had no control over and who could drop any kind of tiers and items for classes other than the one you’re playing.
  2. A forging system which was essentially a gambling game of which you also had little to no control over other than deciding what vague type of weapon you wanted.

The shop is far from perfect and I could already see room for improvement, but it gives you a list of 10 or more selections every hour, with more green and blue tiered weapons than grey, and who are ALL specific to the class and level that you’re playing.

If you’re honestly telling me this is a worst / more random system than the literal Russian roulette style drops that netted me 9 weapons, back to back, that I could not use on the character I mained—then I honestly think you’ve somehow managed to launch Vermintide 1 and confused it for the Darktide Beta.