We need a crafting system like Vermintide 2

It took me having to play six rounds on my Veteran before the RNG gods blessed me and let me buy a sword from the vendor. There has to be a better way than this to get specific weapons you want to play with.


LIke said in the other post, if not a crafting system, then allow at least 1 of each weapon in the shop so you can at LEAST buy the weapon you want, even if it doesnt have the stat rolls you want


This abomination of a shop has no place here. It belongs in the depths of Tartarus, with the Gacha games.


Agreed. Even if the ‘crafted’ stuff is basic white stuff, it needs to be possible to get and try those alternate weapons to instill a feeling of anticipation rather than grind.

“Hey, I can’t wait to get a really good version of this sweet hammer.” is better than
“Ugh, just twelve more maps with this POS knife until I get a hammer…”


Wait, so there will be NO CRAFTING system at all at launch?! They expect us to roll with the shop?

No rerolling properties? No rerolling traits on weapons???

Are they NUTS? I just thought it’s not ready for launch yet. I can’t even imagine playing Vermintide 2 without crafting/rerolling system. I would drop that game long time ago without those. Their RNG progression was already bad in V2 but crafting made it managable.

I am like… is it confirmed? Fatshark, do you even Vermintide 2?


For the love of the emperor we do NOT want a crafting system like VT2.

We want a crafting system, but it should be nothing like VT2.

Random rerolls for reds? 5 red dust to upgrade dlc weapons? The VT2 system is absolute garbage.


We need to be able to get weapons on demand. Having a shop rotating every hour with random things is peak mobile game crap. That sort of thing has no place in this game.


Of course there will be crafting, its just not unlocked for the beta, same as the barber and other stuff.

So much for:

WEEK ONE (November 17 - 20)

  • Full access to the game hub and mission board.
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I really do hope that there is more at launch than the actual RNG shop…

Upgrading gear / customizing it is important to feel that our Operative is evolving…right now the progression isn’t very satisfying…

This is was is tricky with BETA we never really know what to expect at launch so it’s hard to give good feedbacks if we do not know if everything is in place but right now event though VT2 system was not perfect the actual system in Darktide is a big step backward…

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Maybe we will get a “oh btw. you already know we ditched our initial plans: only 4 classes at start, and the Character building system got also canned and replace with the good ol’reliable from VT”. But now crafting also has to wait for “after Release"TM. Anyways: Buy our game for 40 bucks please even if we decide last minute to cut content we initially hinted at. Got to make that Release window for Christmas. Our investors breathing down our necks.”

But i doubt so. For sure.
I bet they just forgot to mention that part in the recent communications about the Beta Contents/post-launch and we will get into weapon modding and crafting soon.

It’s weird they don’t talk about the crafting at all, not even in trailer introducing the game. In the close beta we could find some potential upgrade or crafting material in chests. Also on the right side of the HUB there was a Servitor in a sort of weapon forge. The forge it self is still here but the Servitor has been removed so I’m going to bet the crafting station will take place here.

This is deduction tho, nothing official.

It’s honestly quite baffling there isn’t any crafting available to test right now, given that presumably we’re meant to be testing the game’s progression systems and one would assume crafting would be a significant part of that due to its presence in Vermintide 1 and 2.

It’s also feels incredibly insulting that we’re having to deal with scuffed progression and acquisition systems when one of the single most requested feature updates in Vermintide 2 was the propagation of the Athanor to the base game due to how much player agency it provided in terms of progression and gear acquisition. As much as I am enjoying a lot of the gameplay in Darktide despite what faults it does have, there’s a lot elsewhere that feels regressive about Darktide’s current design.

If it works like the VT2 rerolling, I don’t want it. That was tedious as hell.

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I was hoping we could even modify weapons. Like adding reflex sights to the autogun. Being able to customize your weapon to fit your playstyle would be ideal.