Dude, are you telling me that you stand infront of the shop and wait an hour for it to change items. If thats the case, you have far more serious problems then this mechanic xD
Yeah but all you said here has nothing to do with points I rised which you conviniently ommit.
No he is telling you that game doesn’t reward you for playing/engaging with gameplay, doesn’t have player agenta and strips player from any influence over how he progress his character despite player playing better/on higher difficulties etc. In short: game has total disconnect of one part of the game: gameplay from second part of the game: loot/gear. There is nothing that ties them together. Even craftint will only change it a little.
Stop strawmanning every argument someone rises. It’s only shows that you have no counter argument at all.
Okay, so you like the grind / hunt for items? In the current system you could literally chance upon a god roll BiS item the moment you hit lvl 30. Then what? The game is instantly “ruined” for you, because an upgrade isn’t possible anymore? And do you honestly like it if the way you hunt for an upgrade is not playing the game, but waiting for a store refresh? Because that’s what the current itemisation system is: unmitigated RNG, influenced by basically nothing. If that’s your thing, that’s a valid opinion, and you are fully within your rights to voice that here. But you must also at least be able to understand why most of us don’t think like that, and just like your opinion is valid to have, you should stop being a condecending winking-emoji dïck and loftily strawmanning us all away as being entitled or something.
In games like Diablo, the never ending item hunt is the driving force behind the gameplay loop. That’s how it is designed. And that’s fine, because that’s what people who play those games like. Optimising farming strategies, beating that loot piñata, I get it, honestly. It is perfectly fine fun to enjoy. But in -tide games, so far the driving force and main attraction of the gameplay loop has always been personal skill improvement. The hunt for reds in Vermintide 2 was mostly a formality; a drawn out tutorial before you got to the endgame, which was balanced around having maxed out gear. Darktide is pretty schizophrenic in that regard. On one hand the gameplay loop is just like Vermintide, on the other hand an itemisation system that doesn’t fit the game at all was forced into it. And that’s what people also don’t like, and why they are complaining.
You talked about a hypotethical situation where people were offered an instant max level potion and free BiS gear, as if it’s a bad thing. Quite homestly, such a thing would probably increase my engagement and play time in Darktide. I’ve honestly wanted to try out more classes, but I’ve felt held bavk by the thought that I’d have to grind low-level unchalleging content and hopeless RNG to gear all over again, when my first character so far only has cräp as well. If I’d have the freedom to mess around with any and all builds unrestricted to try them all out in Endgame difficulty without having to go through a tedious grind, it’d honestly be heaven for me.
I do however understand that a situation with no levelling and no gear progression might be less optimal and less fun for a lot / most other players. So I can fully understand why FS won’t design their game likd that. Bug there definitely has to be a middle road possible between unrestricted RNG as it is now, and no grind whatsoever on the other end. And I honestly can’t imagine any arguments a fair effort = progress system, other than people enjoying the rush of a slot machine. But that styld of rewards just doesn’t naturally fit Darktide’s gameplay loop.
Hmm it works for me here, as i said so many times already. Just for example, i found that good rolled rampler for my ogryn. It was like “YEAH” because it also got the 8,5% reload speed perk aswell. Same was with my butcher mk3 cleaver, wich has thougness leech on repeated hits, sadly it has the wrong perks. So as you can see, the loot hunt goes on for me. If both weapons would be perfectly rolled now, this whole excitment from the loot hunt would be gone.
This guy has no arguments man. He either strawman or ommits logical points rised by others by just trying to circumvent everything by “I am liking it, I will ignore logical flaws to avoid remorse”. He doesn’t counter them with any logical objective arguments to prove his point. It’s all “lalalalala, I am not listening”. Read all his posts, he does it all the time.
And you found them playing the mission and being rewarded for your gameplay or did you find them in store, hm? Or maybe you crafted them using rewards you got from completing mission, hm? Becasue you are still just ommiting the main points rised by everyone and sounding like broken record. Wanna discussion, discuss, try to rise counterargument to the actuall stuff we are criticising here.
No what i really meant was, this hunt game for loot is instantly gone, when you have the perfect rolled item for every slot. Sure, i would still play the game, because the combat is so extrem good and you also seek this gear for being better in the combat ofc. But as i said, having perfect gear, eliminatas that whole loot thing instantly and then the game lacks something i persoanlly miss a lot.
Idiotic argument. At some point every hunt is gone. That’s the point, to finally get what you are seeking and start new hunt. The whole point of good loot game is to give you agency and ways to (by engaging in GAMEPLAY) being able to reliable aim for getting the reward (goal of hunt) you want. It can take long, it doesn’t have to be easy, but it has to be reliable enough so you won’t burn out before you get it and it needs to be tied to gameplay itself so one drivers the other. You start one hunt, you get it done, you start new one.
There is nothing like that in Darktide. Again, you are still just ommiting main point risen here. You repeat yourself again and again and you totally ignore what everyone is saying here.
/s(on) Sure i stand 24/7 at the shop to please FS for the wonderfull sytem they have builde “praise FS for creating such a wonderful mall” /s(off).
In fact i am out of the game since release after 5 minutes logged in and have seen the systems out of the beta are still in place and this was not a dev thing for testing only (as you would do normaly).
Sad to say this, but i saw something similar we endet up now coming.
But i give you this: you defend your point very well and calm, almost like an pr guy
Tides games are not hunt games for gambling addicts, unless FS actually lost any kind of ethical compass.
Yeah, you are correct. He hasn’t engaged a single argument at all so far, and the only valid thing he said is that he simply prefers the RNG. That’s his opinion, then fair enough. But his other arguments for the current system are bollocks. Because thd current system would also make it possible to instantly give him the best item possible, and therefore “ruin” the item hunt. But I fear you’re right and that he won’t even adress a single argument. Aw well, at least a third party reading this discussion will draw their own conclusions.
Exactly. That’s not discussion. Honestly at this point I wouldn’t even try to continue. He will just lower you to his level and beat you with experience.
I got some from the store and some as a gift after the mission. You guys have a complete wrong picture of the store in my opinion. In fact, the store is even better then a random reward at the end of a mission. There is always a lot to pick from and you can decide. If you would have random drops after each mission, you would cry here because, your favorite weapon didnt drop. As i said, the shop is far better. I do my work by killing heretics and every hour i get the chance to get a cool item for it. I dont know but for me thats perfectly fine. Do you remember, sitting infront of V1/2 dice roll or loot box, hoping that you finally get the right weapon? Are you really going to tell me that was better?
We didn’t cry in Vermintide 2 becasue we just salvaged stuff we didnt need and craft weapon we wanted. So how is store better?
No. as i said so often, the was is the goal for me and im very happy with the way it is right now
You have right to be happy but it doesn’t change the fact you haven’t rised any argument to back it up apart from “I like it”.
You are like person trying to say that McDonald is healthy becasue you are happy eating it but have no argument to back it up becasue it doesn’t exist.
You have right to feel that way but don’t act like you have logical arguments to back it up, becasue so far you had none.
Dude to support a game mechanic, what else is more suitable then the fact that you like it? But i provided more then one argument, you just need to read what i have written THERE ^^ in all those posts
I, for one, would rather take chainsword and plasma gun, but so long as we can not choose our perks/blessings or rather work towards them, power sword and bolter just work very well, even with bad/no perks/blessings.
Also people use what they like. Power sword and bolter are LOVED by many (at least it seems so), of course they will likely dominate many loadouts, even without perfect rolls. Only way to counter that fast and dirty would to nerf them heavily, which I would not suggest.
Better make the upgrading more versatile and viable and buff the other weapons, this should even out the field and make the loadouts more diverse IMHO.
Ok at this point i am out for today this talk with EvilDarktide leads nowhere.
He talks like an politician, or and public relation guy. Talks much says nothing …