This is a massive step in the right direction, DSN will be the next big things.
Drago Music Network
I can make a full post talking about ideas that might be fun for a guild tomorrow, instead of just that one sentence.
That sounds like a plan! I’ll link them both when that’s done
Just let me pay for 5 rounds of beer for everyone on the mourningstar just like I can do in DRG.
Also would be cool if fatshark copied what Helldivers did with the game master role evolving the story based on where the players decide to fight and if they either win or loose.
I would love to see the percentages like you can in Helldivers, something like this for each sector of tertium “heretic presence x%” the problem is that darktide has a limited number of maps and not randomly generated worlds like Helldivers.
You’ve been added to the Wall of Martyrs and your suggestion’s been added to the Mourningstar Memorial.
I’ll add an area called “The Mourningstar Strategium” for this part!
And put ordos in a juke box for music.
And maybe the secret soccer game hidden away in the bowels of the ship away from the prying eyes of “management”.
Good way to thirst bait engagement XD
Also relevant to the thread, a lot of my friends first impressions of the Mourningstar is, “WTF, why is this so broken, oh they’re loading in, OMG WTF.”
The whole experience is so jank, disjointed and each time you load in it takes so long to load all these different assets that you get to see peoples bodies barely existing as their clothing loads back in. It really doesn’t look good and seriously a menu would be better presentation wise sadly.
The developers looking at this post, laughing knowing the amount of work all that would take knowing it would never happen.
Lost potential
Don’t expose meee
Yeah, the Mourningstar is a bit janky as a whole and changing that shouldn’t require a Mourningstar Memorial… yet here we are.
It wouldn’t be a monumental amount of work to implement these things if Fatshark wasn’t INSANELY inefficient.
Not just yet, for there is still hope.
There is as much lost potential as there was on VT2.
Crying about “lost” potential is most often done by people not really understanding the conceivable scope that the studio want.
FS will most likely release modes (while not named they did previously mention it, Chaos Waste being a highly probable one), new factions aren’t impossible, but don’t think that it will be a multitude of them, as they aren’t doing an rts, it’s a 1st person game with quite complex models and such.
A 3rd person game in my case
Still remain that the models are more complex than rts ones
And I still don’t understand how you don’t get sick with the melee/ranged switching
Mark me down on the wall of martyrs as Primarch Roboute Guilliman for added gravitas.
"captain of the blueberry boyscouts added*
What do you mean with “sick with the melee/ranged switching”?
I assume he means switching between 1st person shooting and 3rd person melee.