The Kreig premium skin for the veteran looks off and should an update

There’s been several threads on this, I made one as well last week

here’s another

Totally agree it looks like someone modeled a Comic-Con cosplay costume of a Krieg trooper, not the actual Forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg infantry.

The gas mask and eye pieces are wrong, the helmet isn’t quite right, there is no gas mask hose, the coat is both wrong (too short, collar isn’t right, etc) and clearly sized too large and wears like Sail cut from a Man-o-War’s rigging, the gear webbing is wrong (should be a Y-strap down the back) and is modeled poorly (looks too long and weirdly conforms to the back instead of tightly gripping the belt), and the chest rebreather unit is easily 3x too big and looks like a giant breadbag on the front of the chest (and clips obviously and absurdly into arms and weapons).

The Tox-Field battlegear for the Veteran is really excellent, is very similar to the DKoK gear, but has none of the issues with oversized gear, the webbing looks great, the coat fits, etc.

The fact that Fatshark charged an extra premium for the DKoK stuff really turned me off. I could live with some differences, artistic license is a thing and I get not all the stuff is easy to model for a videogame (e.g. rebreather hoses), but this just felt like a bad low-effort cash grab.

I actually requested and received my Aquila’s back for this cosmetic as a result. Was really disappointed, particularly as I’d built a Krieg army way back in 4th edition 40k, coming up on almost 20 years ago now, with the original Siege of Vraks book, and was really excited about DKoK stuff in Darktide.