The Crafting Memorial; lest we forget

New system seems to give disappointment early. Rather than getting finally scoring a 370-380 to later brick it.


  1. Mass buy x40 or more,
  2. Get 1x 370-380,
  3. 180 turn, run to craft station,
  4. Craft & brick,
  5. 180 turn, run to armory
  6. Repeat

They shifted RNG from 2nd stage bolted into 1st (1) and (2) so crafting becomes choice with no locks, skipping (3) to (5).

Ended up like a beep test exercise


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Putting this here because I like this thread more than the crafting announcement one.:upside_down_face:

I agree with Brosgw that the answer is almost certainly going to be a hard no, which for me is a problem with the new system. Being able to change perks and blessings on the fly without locks is a large positive change, but it seems that will be more for if you are changing your build, not if you want to use the same weapon on multiple different builds.

This is why the system is still worse than a more traditional loadout system imo. If instead of acquiring individual weapons, you just got it access to it during the character level up process and than unlocked perks and blessings for it with Mastery (I think I’m using that term correctly), you wouldn’t have to grind up the same weapon for different builds.

Also would remove any issues with grinding for good base stats or good maximum potential stats (if that’s a thing?).

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I wonder what will happen to this

The only item in my inventory I’m satisfied with.


I suspect it will stay there and you will be able to use it… if you have the “mastery” high enough to use it. A lot of questions but that’s a “500” enhanced weapon using new rework lingo. Maybe 550. I dunno.


Clearly I don’t have either of those blessings and even though it’s my most used ranged weapon on vet, I “clearly haven’t mastered it”.

My expectation is that you keep what you have. And if you saw this nice piece on Melk, you could still buy it. But if you wanted to swap Volatile for some other T4 blessing, you’d need to be pretty far along in the Mastery of the weapon family to do that.


This is all conjecture but the blessings you unlock through mastery are just for the expertise system for changing them. It doesn’t stop you from using weapons that have blessings you haven’t unlocked. (I think).


Hopefully, but deep inside I wonder the backlash they’d have, if all just proofed away. I know part of me would enjoy schadenfreude.


man that’s sweet!

This is a microcosm of the whole system, you got amazingly lucky on this and didn’t even have to rip the blessings because they are both what you want! So let’s say you wanted to make another one for a different blessing, you wouldn’t have those blessing to put on it…fail system is fail


The question that I have and that is unclear to me is whether or not higher tier blessings will be weighted more in terms of achieved mastery you get after conversion.

Example: I have my favorite evi 2 that I play with. I have unlocked all of the T3 and T4 blessings for evis, but not as many T1 or T2. Now, when they convert, will I end up with less mastery points because my “blessing library” for the eviscerator is not 100% full? If the answer is “yes”, then I could end up not having all the T3 and T4 blessings I currently have, and will have to grind more.

Or am I completely missing the point?


I don’t play Darktide though. I’m a Vermintide fanboy. I play Vermintide. I’m only here because I think Fatshark should do better with Darktide; also I’m on a holy crusade against Fatshark because I got burned with Darktide which won’t stop until they fix the game. Once they fix one of the biggest problems I have with Darktide then there’s no reason to be here being angry at Fatshark or to complain.

Why a hard no? Vermintide 2 just got an update where you can have different loadouts:

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Dude it’s freakin’ better than this game.


The grind here is time based. No luck or skill here. T5 get there sooner, T4 bit slower. But you get there based on time.

Other way VT2 style - T6 missions, earn by skill red weapons, “maybe” introduce completionist style of grabbing all the books and bits throughout map to get emporer chest. Still low chance but maybe get it after 6-7 games.

Grind comes from the play itself, it comes from the skill and team work.

Time does not present itself as a “challenge”.

It is same reason why some people play T5 Auric where T5 is perfectly fine to get orange gear. For their own challenge. Not doing non-challenging admin task of RNG rolls clicking buttons.

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I am so confused about how this forum works, lol. And yeah, it is.

I’m still upset on how Darktide came out. They had the BLUEPRINT from Vermintide to make the best game and instead we got this. Two years later and Fatshark is only now realizing their crafting sucks and should be reworked. Meanwhile Vermintide 2 had map packs, DLC weapon packs, free maps, and new modes.


They’ve known since Launch that it sucks. The CEO called it out in his “Statement to Players” non-apology apology :sob:

The mind boggling part to me is why they thought stuff like Penances and the Twins and Green Bombers needed to take up the better part of a year’s worth of release pipeline instead of addressing itemization right after the Class updates.


Loved VT2 castles, mines, sewers, farms, forests, church, towns, big bridges, fortresses etc. Felt very unique and different in colour use. Remember first time you saw the skittergate and said whoa beautiful. The graphics hold up and look varied and visual feast.

DT maintains same look per mission to the point it is more difficult to tell what mission you’re actually playing. DT’s convenience is that it takes place all in one location to justify this.

People used to say not fair to compare to DT as VT2 took around 2 years to get into good state. Well 2 years coming up can now compare VT2 base maps with the first 2 years of DLC. Very distinctive maps apart.


Yeah I don’t know. So weird seeing how they’ve been mishandling this game since day 1, and it’s obvious it isn’t working as is evidenced by recent steam reviews of people being upset over crafting being delayed:

They really need to restructure or something if they want to stay in business because Fatshark, for all intents, is fighting for their professional lives now.


Woah, really? Now this is interesting. Just over the delay? I would think knowing it’s coming would maybe help alleviate this but maybe not. And if they’re about to go on vacation this is a rough state to leave in if this will continue to fester.

Looking at reviews I see a lot of anger about Zealot nerfs.


61% as of this moment: