New Graffiti Collection (Patch 4) and Translation Attempts

Hello everyone. With the recent update I have discovered some new graffiti phrases scrawled on maps where they previously were not. I have not played every map since the update, far from it, but I found a bunch of new phrases so far only in Relay Station and Comms-Plex.

There were posts that broke down the first batch of phrases we’ve had since the CBT so I won’t go over all of them but it is worth noting that nearly all of them were determined to be phonetic transliterations of English into Dark Tongue runes (which are technically WH Fantasy rather than 40k but I guess it still works) and most of them just typical heretical bile-spewing like “death to the false Emperor”, “KILL, MAIM, DESTROY”, etc. Unfortunately, this batch seems to be very different.

I had identified 9 distinct phrases in the first group, 6 of them being transliterated English, 1 being the Dark name for Beasts of Nurgle, and the other two remain undeciphered as far as I know.

1-1. “Gu’nagh’gyrhan” translates to beast of Nurgle

1-2. “aksho [Nurgle] dhakh” This one is a fusion of symbolic and phonetic runes. In some phrases they sound out “Nurgle” and in others, like this one, they use the symbolic rune to identify him. “Aksho” means “to search for” but “dhakh” is unknown. Possibly a fusion of dark “dhar” and battle “akh” but we’ve had no other hints as to what it could mean.
EDIT: After some additional research, it turns out that this is a line from a Nurglite daemon summoning ritual according to the 2nd ed Chaos Daemons codex. It translates to “Nurlge shall be called with death”.

1-3. “bhakghurhaani aaghkwaami” Really no ideas about this one. Ghur means brown but it could be pure coincidence. Other than that, nothing at all. Some people suggested it might be name, after all we still haven’t seen that Dreg boss dude the scab captain kneels to in the trailer, but that’s our best guess.
EDIT: Thanks to Fulnec below, this one is solved. It is actually “bahk’ghuranhi’aghkami” which translates to “great unclean ones”. Greater daemons in bound?

EDIT: Well, that’s all the first batch solved, then.

Now, we get to the current batch. I’ve so far found 6 distinct phrases but I’ve also noticed that some show up repeated only in part as I will note below.

2-1. “tekwaalaash / aakh srhaagh” As noted before akh is battle and/or bloodshed.

2-2. “yaash tekhaalaash aakh / srhaagh trhaal” Again, akh is the only identifiable word.
EDIT: I initially thought the first two words were a single large word and the second line was a single word but other instances of this phrase seem to have spaces there. This means that 2-1 is likely a fragment of this phrase rather than a novel sample. There is a difference of one letter but heretics aren’t too keen on spelling.

2-3. “aakhaah srhaagh”

2-4. “srhaagh / izht / laash”

2-5. “motaash khaagh / srhaagh / bhaaarush” This one in particular I have seen split up with the first line on it’s own and in other places lines 2 and 3 together, meaning it may actually be two different sentences but I saw it intact enough times to count it as one together.

2-5A. “motaash khaagh” A partial of 2-5.

2-5B. “srhaagh / bhaaarush” Another partial of 2-5. repeated twice. Some of the graffiti in Comms-Plex is written pretty close together giving an initial impression of a novel phrase.

2-6. “aaak yaash / werhaakh som” The first word is a different spelling from the other akhs but could be the same due to the language being phonetic and not overly concerned with spelling. Or not.
EDIT: Replaced with a better picture.

2-7. “motaaakh / sezaaar” This one seems to contain an alternate version of motaash seen above.

And now for the disappointing part. I have no idea what these are supposed to say. The paltry lexicon in the fandom wiki gives no hints beyond the one word. Then I remembered that the Total War people had made a bunch of words for their beastmen to say and I looked up that and found this:

Just a simple cipher but it looked promising. I plugged in what we have … and it came out even worse nonsense than it went in so that’s probably not it. So I’m at a loss and I have to ask for help. Does anyone have a more complete lexicon from some old rulebook (the 2nd edition WHFB Chaos Daemons has already come up)? Do you happen to see a deciphering pattern? I mean, all but 2-6 and 2-7 contains the word srhaagh but I haven’t been able to find this word anywhere online. Yaash and tek(w/h)aalaash also repeat.

I was thinking that people who put out these sorts of puzzles usually give some hint as to the answer and in the first batch the decipherable phrases were mostly transliterated English. Does anyone recognize these as being a different transliterated language? Swedish maybe? Doesn’t sound like it but some of the English transliteration was pretty wonky too. Or any thing else?

I don’t think it’s purely nonsense because some of these new phrases match or are very similar to some of the cultists callouts, and those were voicelines that have been around for a while so the whole thing seems like it was planned out and designed. I just lack the key. If anyone has any epiphanies or any other new graffiti phrases that I have missed, please share them. I’d love to know what you think.

Dark Tongue phrases:
1-1: gu’nagh’ghyran
1-2: aksho [Nurgle] dh’akh
1-3: bahk’ghuranhi’aghkwami

2-1: tekwaalaash / aakh srhaagh
2-2: yaash tekhaalaash aakh / srhaagh trhaal
2-3: aakhaah srhaagh
2-4: srhaagh / izht / laash
2-5: motaash khaagh / srhaagh / bhaaarhush
2-5A: motaash khaagh
2-5B: srhaagh / bhaaarush
2-6: aaak yaash / werhaakh som
2-7: motaaakh / sezaaar

25FEB: Added translations for 1-3 and 1-2. Fixed several typos.
01MAR: Added 2-7, 2-5A, and 2-5B. Replaced 2-6 with a clearer version. Compiled list of phrases.


Great job, love it.

1.3 is Bahk’ghuranhi’aghkami - Great Unclean Ones (based on the dark tongue wiki, coming from “Realm of Chaos, the lost and the damned” supplement)


I cannot believe you analyzed something in such deep detail that I personally didn’t even notice during gameplay.
Really goes to show that Fatshark cares about the little details. Unfortunately it will go by mostly unnoticed in all the chaotic gameplay.

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Well, holy ****. Can’t believe I didn’t see that. I guess I was looking for two separate words rather than one big one. Thanks for that one. I’ll have to give the others a once over to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

I hope that means we’ll get a daemonic super-boss at some point, maybe not a full-on greater daemon, I guess but something in that vein would be cool as a super-assassination target. Maybe a special style mission with 2 fire teams or somethings. Could be epic.

Still not cracking this one, but going through older supplements I found a list of basic prefix/suffix in warhammer fantasy 6th edition army book hordes of chaos.

I am interested in:
the - ash suffix (liquid), comes in 2.1 and 2.2 "Tz ii Kh A L A Sh " as well as 2.5 “M O Tz A Sh” and maybe 2.6 “Y A Sh”.

From this angle, 2.6 might read as: Battle / Liquid Metal // XXXXX, which could refer to the Smelter Complex. It’s a bit far fetched.

Could be nothing, but that is all I have for now.

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I found an additional phrase scattered around Throneside and added it to the list. From additional instances of 2-2, it looks like there’s spaces in the script I didn’t identify before and it looks like the first line has 3 words and the second has 2.

If this is so, then 2-1 is likely a partial form of 2-2. There is a spelling difference between tekhaalaash and tekwaalaash but they may quite likely be the same word; heretics are hardly the best spellers, especially if we take into account the misspellings of the transliterated English phrases.

@Fulnec I think you are on the right track. With 1-2 being found in a fluff snippet in the 2nd Edition WHFB Chaos Daemons, it seems likely that the others might similarly be from early codices. I’ve been asking around at the local gamestore if anyone has anything like that and no luck so far. I have an e-book version of 6th Ed 40k Chaos Daemons myself but it had no Dark tongue in the whole thing other than a handful of names. With no translations, of course.

I’ll see if I can’t find some copies around somewhere.

And it’s interesting about the suffixes, especially with motaash in previous phrases and now motaaakh in the newest one. Not sure what mota is though, sadly.

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