The Crafting Memorial; lest we forget


En epic thread. Can I get added please? The crafting system is painful - #9 by einssi

There’s several other post if I recall correctly, I got to burned out about caring (being a WH40k and Vermintide fan) being hopefull about this game just was too much, I straight left for half a year. It was just not in my capability to invent ways to enjoy a game that wants me to stop enjoying it and JUST PLAY MORE, YOU MIGHT GET SOMETHING YOU LIKE.

The new update is sort of nice, if only they could’ve gone the actually player agency way and skipped all the “have a +5% increment to a stat you cant see here” sTUFF and really made it user friendly to change your playstyle.

Locks are still in crafting. I wanted to try a thing today, any new thing, wasted half of my resources and got jack shimbles(is that a word, now it is.) Nvm I haven’t collecte… yeah, same old. A steaming pile of horrible, wrongly understood, corporate, mobilegame retention excrement is still just that.

Edit. Hey, atleast the forums are a great way to teach you how to work around one of the most common english words that we all do every day. (hopefully, see a physician if this word is not in your daily routine.)

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