The Crafting Memorial; lest we forget


Let’s take off with an “akshually” - the two weapons were introduced with Patch 1.0.20, which released prior to the Sowwy letter ( and weren’t reskins. Those were fresh. Along with the foldable shovel, that makes… 3 total new weapons added to DT in 1.5 years.

the letter itself was issued on January 24th, 2023. It stated the commitment to solely focus on:

a complete crafting system
a more rewarding progression loop
stability and performance

Now, let’s see where we are today:
WE ARE GETTING AN ITEMIZATION UPDATE - soooo, coupled with several prior statements of “steps on the road”, no complete crafting system was released, eh? Just steps in some direction or other…

The only major change to progression I can think of objectively and honestly is the Class Rework. That was released on Oct4, ALONGSIDE the XBOX release.

Stability and performance? Depends on the planet alignment, whether the last patch/update will be kind to you specifically, how many assist Jokic will have tonight and, of course, whether you’re using AMD or not…

Now, what did we get instead of the solely focused on points:

The We’re Sowwy letter’s statements are still not met, and no amount of “but they are to me!” will change the objective, observable reality. Did we get stuff? Yes. Some of it was good. Some of it - lel. And all of it came with it’s own new batch of issues (dogs for weeks? new maps not in rota? clicking 500 times to get the perk you want? STG not being in rota, when 2 Low-Int was up? 'member?)

This, of course, on the already eldritch platform of “over the next months”, which, depending on how much sanity Schroedinger’s Darktide has left you (you being the general You, meaning Us, the people still here) with, might suggest anything between the follow 2 or up until the heat death of the universe…

So… Yeah, you gottem alright :smiley:

Oh, and:

If the people that played and left saying nothing are the silent majority, and those still playing and saying nothing are the silent minority, you being here makes you the loud minority, considering how many people on average have a positive view on the matter, vs how many were added through their threads on the forum alone, volunteered to be here and are constantly contributing points to the memorial.

Now, I’m not gonna hit you with “If you have the energy to post…” - I think if people don’t catch onto their own banal rhetoric, pointing it out leads to nothing. So, catch:

While you’re standing here on the shoulders of those who’ve done what they though was right, why not add another pillar you can stand on. The 10th most “replied to” topic in General.

4% of the people that saw this, both playing and not playing but still keeping up, LIKED the System. Another 19% Dislike some of it but were cool overall.

23%. A shade under 1/4. 77% of the player/interest base would benefit.

And, for the love of all common sense, if there really was a considerable group of people that liked the system or just tolerated it, and then QUIT, who cares?! They gone, all the same. DT teeters on the 2-5k PB, nonetheless.

I personally like to call these “The Retained”.