The Grail Knight is a strong character and fun to play, but he has several problems, which severely limit his talent choices and playstyle variety. There is essentially only one viable build, with the only choice being between two lvl 30 talents (while the third talent is not viable).
This post will try to explain what these problems are and suggest solutions.
Main goals for the solutions are: simplicity and ease of implementation. The simplier the solution, the less of a balancing headache it is. The easier it to implement, the less time Fatshark needs to add it in.
LvL 10
Virtue of the Ideal
Although the talent offers a temporary power bonus, it is very easy to stack up and maintain, making it a nearly permanent 30% power bonus on an already powerful character. It wouldn’t be a problem if it this reliability didn’t choke any competition out of existence.
Change power bonus from 10% to 5%, but increase the maximum number of stacks from 3 to 5. So as a result ,the max power bonus is 25%. It IS an overall nerf to this talent’s performance, but it is not a severe one and it is necessary to encourage healthy competition in the lvl 10 talent row.
Virtue of Heroism
The talent is completely outclassed by the Virtue of the Ideal. And to make things worse, the talent description is a lie - bonus to charged attacks only increases DAMAGE, not POWER. So they hit harder, but don’t have higher cleave or stagger, making this talent, essentially, a worse option, since Virtue of the Ideal is so easy to maintain and offers more bonuses.
Increase bonus from 25% to 30%. This is a minor change, but it should work in tandem with the changes to the Virtue of the Ideal, making these talents compete, without turning one or the other into an objectively the best universal option.
LvL 25
Virtue of Stoicism
While being supposed to help against “chip damage”, when player gets hit by a singe enemy on a rare occasion, the 5 second timer is extremely long for an extremely fast paced game like Vermintide.
Decrease the regeneration timer from 5 seconds to 3. This will make this talent much more competitive with the Virtue of the Joust and slightly help agains the frustration with buff getting overwritten by a stray rattling bullet or gas/warpfire on the floor.
Virtue of Discipline
Talent relies on Timed Blocks, which makes it very unreliable, esecially for players with higher ping or weaker PCs. (No, “buy a better rig” is not a viable balancing argument becasue many people can’t afford the upgrade. Especially in with the current market prices.)
Change the timer for Timed Blocks to be 1 second instead of 0.5 second. This point will be discussed deeper in a different post.
LvL 30
Virtue of the Impetuous Knight
This talent is considered a joke by most players in the community, as the value it offers is so niche, situational and incomparable with the other options, that you would be hardpressed to see anyone actually run it outside of a meme montage on YouTube. Movement speed serves very little purpose when you are the only one running it in a TEAM game.
Instead of +35% movement speed, make this talent give +20% attack speed. Grail knight has no ways to increase his attack speed outside of Swift Slaying and weapon stats. Granting him this massive bonus in exchange for using his ult to kill an enemy every once in a while is a valid trade, especially when it has to compete with the burst potential of Virtue of Audacity and the cleaving power of Virtue of Confidence.
I do not claim to be “top of the line, balance expert”.
This post is a result of my personal experience with the character, boredom I felt after playing over a hundred games on him with the same unchanging build, and the frustration of requiring too much footwork for a mediocre result when trying to use off-meta builds on him.