i thoroughly enjoy the game, and send thanks, however, it seems there is so much potential to make character classes more fun to play.
some quick major suggestions from my thoughts are:
- please buff/boost under powered character weapons. it stinks that certain weapons are simply too weak to compete with a certain weapon type that is the meta. boosting the underpowered weapons would really make classes come to life more and again.
example: siennas staffs need major buffs. the beam staff should be beefed up like i hear it used to be. making every weapon good in its own right incentivizes players to try the different play styles with weapons, knowing there are multiple successful routes with whichever weapon they choose to use. - i love the new talents, designed to fit ways players are using different play styles for characters, however, please likewise buff/boost pivotal talents that make these characters playstyle’s come alive. this drastically needs improvement, and will make characters much more fun to play.
example: if ranger bardin can support by generating bombs and potions with talents, why not make him a stronger viable support character by allowing this talent to also generate health potions for the team?
there are too many classes of characters that are far too underpowered. people would have more fun if they feel they are doing their team ‘role’ well for their team.
the tanks should be tankier and majorly boosted (buff foot knight, shieldmaiden, and unchained mitigation), the support should support far stronger, and the glass cannon damage boosted while made squishier. - explosive barrel rats— pleeeeeasssse put these in normal missions and weaves, and make deeds for hordes with lots of these guys. they are so fun and funny, and this feature would seriously bring pure joy and novelty to the game.
- make more cosmetics and skins for characters, and make a viable way to unlock them moreso. the cosmetic items for slayer bardin are so meager its sad. why not give him a loin cloth skin? or a fur coat viking looking skin? making more character skins seems like it would add a huge novely value to the game while letting people make their characters more personalized.
- please consider allowing players to ‘control’ what kind of mission they launch for friends to play. i know we can sort of do this with deeds if we are lucky enough, however, if weaves and deeds can control these parameters, why not allow us to control modifiers for missions? i would love to be able to launch a mission with explody-barrel rats in hordes, with twice damage and health elites for my friends. maybe being able to control what kind of boss fight encounter there is would be very cool too! maybe we could end the mission with a 3 rat ogre fight? that sounds fun!
i hope devs/moderators and other players humor me with this post.
these ideas i feel could add lots of fun and bring the game to life in a lot of ways, where it has potential waiting!