Official lore-based content for Vermintide?

A decade ago, the developers for left 4 dead announced that they had commissioned a series of webcomics to be published telling not only of the events that happened before their upcoming maps, but also of the backgrounds of their characters.
Just so you know what I am talking about here:
I loved the comics allot, and my favorite parts of the comics were the parts that told of the backgrounds of the characters as I knew so little about them.

The backgrounds of the characters for vermintide are way more interesting, Kruber led an exceptional regiment. A webcomic can be done on the start of his regiment up until the point he ran into a necromancer. Then you have Kerillian, Bardin, Saltzpyre and Sienna as well.

To me, this feels like a common sense thing to do. Fatshark will not waste talent, or time spent further developing vermintide 2 as they’d just have to give $ to a talented comic creator/studio and let them do the rest. Whatever the complexity of the comic, it will be very well-recieved. Darkest dungeon made 1-page comics for each of their characters and the community loved it, even though they were just a page each! But the characters of vermintide are way more complex and so single page comics will definitely not do them any justice but you get my point
It might not be as simple as I think it is. Games Workshop might have an issue with it as they did license fatshark to create a video game but not create comics, even if the comics are based on the games it’s still in the warhammer universe. Or they are totally fine with it? Who knows, I don’t.