I have played Vermintide 2 now about 150 hours its not so much but it will be more in the future. I like it more than Vermintide 1. Vermintide 1 was more a game that i played between other games but Vermintide 2 is more a game which i play a complete afternoon without an other game. So that means its good. But it has some negative things which i want to tell and maybe you can do that better. I also say some things which i very like that you dont delete this things or something like that. If something is allready in and i didnt see it let me know it.
Lets begin with the negative things wich you should fix or improve:
!-1. First thing the important one. In Vermintide 1 could you enhance your attribute! Why is it not in i dont want to role the dice for random attribute with random value that is very bad solved. That is the only thing what was better in V1 than in V2 so bring that back that is an important function to improve your attributes!!!
-2. You should implement that function where we could change the picture of the frames in the HQ. It was in at the Beta so and now its nearly a half year after that and that function is still not in. Why? So bring it back and maybe make some special pictures which we can unlock for doing something like make an hero lvl 30.
-3. It would be cool if we can customine our HQ with things we can unlock in challenges or maybe trophies from lvl whichwe made in legend or what ever. But a trophie room would be cool.
-4. More Collectors Edition content! Especially not only skins for the first character career. Make for all one new skin
-5. More things for character customation
-6. Maybe a book where you can see what customation items are in and which you have. It would awake collector charming of itmes and skins.
-7. It should be possible to kick player at the end of a round. Because you cant finish if you have a troll in the game and he dont come in the end.
-8. Chaos Spawn is to OP. It should be balanced or better nerfed.
-9. If only one player is alive the enemys should be automatic balanced that they have less life while he is alone. If he revives a other player the enemy should get partial more life again.
-10. Also if only one player is alive a hook rat and other special which can grab a player shouldnt grab the last player or maybe just spawn less than.
-11. The first elf should regenerate her life not only to half she should regenerate it full. You could do it that it regenerate slower after the half than before but it should regenerate.
-12. Dont nerf Heros (except its a bug)if one is to OP than buff the other and dont nerf that one. And if the game is to easy than, tha n buff the enemys but dont nerf a hero. If you played with that hero a lot and he got nerfed and now he is crap than you dont want to play with him again because you knowed how good he was.
-13. A new Character would be cool. The new career was nice but one new character whould be cool too. Maybe as buyable DLC or as free update or if you do a Vermintide 3 than there. I mean it would be possible. The heros could find on their journey a new survived hero and this person get part of their team or an enemy hero which changed the side or something else. There are enough ways you could implement it in the story.
-14. Maybe implement that we can improve the power lvl of an item because if you found a good item and you want to hold it you cant because you cant enhance his level. Maybe 1 power lvl for one material. So with that logic it would be very expensive to enhance a noob lvl item and not so much for high level items.
-15. In Vermintide 1 was there some items where you get life for crits or something. Bring that back as attribute or propertie but not temporary life like the skill at lvl 20.
-16. It feels like there are less item properties than in V1 but maybe it feels only so but they could be better and more.
-17. Improve Crafting more. I know its improved but a little deteriorated like i said in Point 1. I dont like that randomized crafting things. Randomize is good if you open boxes but if you craft something you want that thing, what the reason is you began to craft so an item with your attributes you want and properties. Maybe you need some more materials or special material which you get while playing or material which you get in specfic maps for example if you want an attribute wich crit change you need a blue stone or something and that stone do you get in skitter gate or something i dont know. come up with something.
-18. Remove anti Cheat. That was in Vermintide 1 better that you can use every mod you want and play like you want. Not every one want to grind in this game.
-19. Fix some bugs improve the hitboxes and animation that they not stand me while they are hitting and something like that. There are some bugs you get blogged or cant hit an enemy cause he make an animation where you cant hit him but you got blocked from him. Balance some Weapons and enemys but this is more a general post.
-20. Some easter eggs if not allready in maybe in the HQ there is so much climbing stuff you could do easy something.
-21. Less randomness while rerole the attribute. Better saying it should be in that you could choose rerole only 1 attribute or rerole both. At the moment you can only rerole both and you cant enhance that attributes so that is not so good. Enhance attributes did i say in point 1. It would be nearly perfect if you could say now i want only rerole the first attribute or the second attribute because sometimes one of this attribute is very good but the other more useless but you dont want to rerole because maby you get the same attribute with less value or worse attributes. Like i said in point 17 in some point is randomness good like chest opening but sometimes its just annoyingly like in the crafting system.
-22 Randomness from opening boxes should be controlled that it is not complete random. For example i mean, that after every 50 boxes drops a guaranteed hat and every 30 boxes a guaranteed red item or that the chance of getting a hat or red item get increased after every chest without red item or hat until its guaranteed and if one hat drops the chance got resetet or something like that. I hope you know what i mean with a little controll of the randomness.
-23. Maybe some minigames in HQ but its an Point for later all stuff above is more important than that.
-24. If you do a Vermintide 3 maybe a open world game would be cool if possible.
Now the things i liked:
+Skill tree
+Character career
+Customisation(it was in V1 so its not new but its a good point)
+bigger HQ than in V1
+Unlocking rooms with level of character career.
+new enemys but not the Chaos spawn
+Power lvl of items and character
+how you get boxes or itmes. its not so much randomiced which box you get. If you have all tome and grims you get a good box and maybe an imperial one. Its a good combination about skill and a little bit luck. If you do a Vermintide 3 you could implement that function without any changes.
That was all which i remebered what i wanted to tell you. Most likely did i forget something but i thing i have named the important things.
If there is a point, where you guys think it should in here, than write it.
If you have some questions you could ask me here or in Steam. Steamname: ResidentMikeGER
Greetings Mike and sorry for my bad english