Stutter since last patch

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Since the last patch I have near-constant stuttering in-game.
I say near because trying various performance option in Adrenaline panel (AMD RX7900XTX GPU) sometime get thing to norma for a sessionl. But not always and only for a time as the problems get back is I get out of the game and restart for another session.

Something of note is that when I monitor the performance through AMD overlay, I can see that the power from the GPU is going up and down during the stuttering
This power draw/performance issue happen only in DT, no other game see this strange GPU behavior, which lead me to think that there is problem between AMD drivers and DT (as this issue happened about the same time I patch both games.)

I tried to limit the FPS so the GPU won’t have to work at 95-100%(which allow me to play at 4K/90FPS/ultra and there will be some power reserve before reaching the maximum power draw ), but the stuttering/power issues still happen.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

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I am having the same problem since the last patch, i sit on a 5800x3d with a 6750 xt, i had 1100 + hours with relative good - ok performance but after the last patch the game is unplayable.

Same problem on Series X. Unplayable stuttering. Never more than a few seconds between.

I was having stutters too but turned off visible equipment on weapon customization mod if you guys are using that mod.

I have nearly identicle issues with the 7900XTX. It’s not a solution, but for the time being, I’m running the default graphic settings (plus motion blur off), with FPS cap locked at 60. It still happens, it doesn’t look as nice, bit the game plays a lot smoother.

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