Extreme Stuttering and Performance Issues

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Please read this link and fix the problems as soon as possible. KNOWN ISSUE: Poor Performance After Patch - #17 by Astrea

No solution I have tried has worked. How many? 20… -.-

I have spent more time attempting to fix this game than being able to actually play it.

People’s posts are getting dev attention that were posted later than mine - even after I provided that extensive post.

The latest hotfix you released contains NO fixes for the performance issues which is a bit insulting. I am completely out of ideas. No dev is reaching out to proactively fix the issue either.

What is going on?

Edit: 24 days and counting I have owned and been unable to play the game.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

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Steam (PC)

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