I’m more concerned now with what I can only call weirdness with attacks, particularly running attacks, enemies in the floor, enemies that appear out of nowhere and other random stuff that is just doing randon damage.
The combat does not feel good or smooth, and many of the beastmen attacks hit you before the animation completes and in a few cases like the quick bestigor overhead, it feels impossible to block on reaction as a client.
These sorts of events happening in melee that feel like they have no counter play do not feel good at all.
Cata feels pretty OK in terms of being able to complete it with what I would classify as good players. It is nothing like DWONS, and pretty straightforward. Where did all the specials go from the beta, its way toned down. The wargors not relocating banners was a good change imo.
Certainly my feelings on day 1 were a combination of all the off host BS that goes on, and talents like cleave THP simply not working, along with weapon reworks (like sienna flail heavy 1 not generating temp health in any reasonable way), and other adjustments around THP and equipment choices.
It still feels very weird and for me lots of kits the worked very well in the past are under performing, or just dead. Good thing I have friends that put 4000 hours into the game to coach me on what is now solid.
Too many bugs, why does Sienna BW sometimes go backwards with her ult. That ult is very frustrating to use now. Minimum distance, backwards stuff. There are so many things like that, I hope others have the time to list them all.
So I am 34 atm and legend really feels almost the same as it did before the WoM patch. Even dodge dancing is still present, it just might be a tiny bit harder. So I think you’re right that not much has changed.
I think the difficulty increase was vastly overblown due to the fact we were no longer at max level and the new changes to the game.
Edit: Actually there are a lot more specials, but that’s about it.
Sigmar protects, someone here needs a little righteous fire it seems.
Oh yeah? How’re those End-Times workin’ out for ya?
But honestly, though: Legend is, at worst, slightly harder than it was before if you are at max-level and I think that manifests mostly in the specials. I believe that the majority of the problems people are having is that they are trying to take a square block (old-playstyle) and make it fit in a triangular hole (current gameplay). If I can 2-3 shot most Ambient Foes as a Level 14 Saltzpyre w/o staggering them, I think we can presume that a level 35 could cruise through hordes.
Well then, you need to go carry the groups currently playing legend because as of last night it was vermintide roulette.
Teams were in chat expressing their frustrations with difficulty. I can carry them now, once again. IF they stay close and work together. However, even that takes coaching and at least one person who is willing to play as a team.
I think the biggest deal is what you said at the end there.
People are too accustomed to saying “I’m good enough to be on my own and win it all!” If you fall back, use your skills not to solo the horde and instead rally with your teammates, things get a whole heck-of-a-lot easier.
Soloing is something that’s only necessary if you are the last one alive; whenever a Zealot/Handmaiden/Slayer/Foot-Knight uses their active to charge off and solo a horde, it makes me sigh.
I’ll be online chugging through some QPs tonight, just hoping to try and help some folks along!
This should maybe go under bug, but…
I’ve played Garden of Morr (QP legend) today. We had an insane amount of hordes, it was a lot worse than extra hordes deeds used to be even on bad days, and a player that died at the very beginning of the map spawned after T3, just before the jump to the maze. It’s not the only respawn i’ve seen to be broken btw.
I finally managed to start figuring out what made the hordes feel so much harder than before, and none of it has to do with the stagger system or tougher enemies.
There seem to be a lot more overlapping enemies now (i. e. hyperdensity), and the Beastmen seem particularly prone to it. That produces problems with any weapons that don’t cleave very well. The enemies also surround you more effectively now, making controlling hordes harder than before. That is partially tied to the enemies trying to push through the PCs much more than before, too, which adds to these. And finally, dodging needing more precision now, combined with more stuttering than before, makes avoiding hits and controlling hordes even more difficult.
All that, added with the backstab sound warning apparently being broken again and the Beastmen approaching very quietly combines to a pretty jarring experience. I do suggest (other than getting to fixing the found bugs as quickly as possible) reviewing the changes made to the slot system, which seems to be a significant culprit here.
These issues - slotting/targeting/clipping were present all along the entire beta, it was reported, acknowledged and nothing improved.
Once again we’re at the point, where the game has so many fundamental issues, that balancing with them unfixed will result in a overnerfed game which resulted after a year in Live 1.6.
I honestly don’t know how FS had the confidence to overhaul the entire game and build an expac on the game in this state.
How is it possible that whenever they do a major patch, 1-1,5 year old issues resurface when they were supposed to be fixed.
THIS is why they don’t deserve to get any money, not because ofthe content of the expac.