Some people ARE BUGGED and CAN NOT get reds

That’s just like in Verm1 where I knew several people who got red Sword and Dagger in the 20-40 range.

at lvl 30 with 280 to 300 power…I never got a red from my commendation collection…maybe 60-80 chests…it doesn t matter it s not like red will change everything. just a pity indeed.

Stop defending it, there should be a safety net for reds.
The game does not reward you for winning legend runs in a row with maxloot which is extremely bad.

That makes me sad, Ive gotten 1 red in 197h too. I mean if there would be a progression bar - win 10, 20, frikkin 100 legend games and you get 1 red item it would be already better than the current state.
No one dictates the way you should play the game, but a lot of players are veterans to the game and only play champ / legend, only thing we are already doing after such a short time is salvaging items over, over and over again… without anything new… shiny… any progression at all.
Vermintide is not your basic game thats done in 20h, we love to play it for hundreds of hours, but give us any credit.


Commendation chests don’t drop reds.

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Based on my experiences, emperors chests (champion) have a higher chance of dropping reds than legend. I have received 3 red items and all of them have been obtained through champions emperor chests. I also regularly do legend (by my estimate maybe 50 legend vaults or so) and I have never received a red from those. This is anecdotal, obviously, but is my experience.


is this 100% certain?

Believe FS confirmed it right around release.

Adding to the anecdotal pile, did 2 orange deeds last night for 4 emperor champion’s chests, got my first red right at the 99hr mark. I don’t know if they have the HIGHEST drop rate, i remember hearing that they MUST be emperors to have a chance at dropping reds so maybe there’s arn’t alot of legend Emp’s flaoting around? shrug

No, a friend got a red on a legend soldier chest, chances are just lower I guess

I opened 15 legend emps vaults just today and had poor luck

I would consider the chances of looting a red from a vault being lower than a chest to be a bug / oversight needing a fix.

I’d be fine with pseudo random generation for reds, so that eventually you’re almost guaranteed to get one if you play long enough. Like increment the chance by 1% for every Legend box opened, up to a cap of 60%, then reset when you get a red. Much like Diablo 3 or similar RPGs.


Completely agree with this.

Diablo 3 has a very good mindset that everyone will eventually stop playing. almost everyone They’d rather them stop playing because people got the gear they wanted and “completed” their character rather than not getting gear and leaving out of frustration. They also have Seasons though so it encourages people to come back and start over.

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Yeah especially when pseudo random lines up very well with the human mindset on randomness. We so often think “I’m DUE for a red!” after opening 100+ boxes.

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Right, as someone whose played TT for a long time I understand what true random is. The dice don’t care that you’ve rolled a 1 five times in a row, it’s still going to be the same odds of getting a 1 as the first five attempts. (Also note after that many tries switch dice, due to imperfections they can favor certain numbers)

Just because something has a 1% chance of dropping doesn’t mean you are going to get 1 item every 100 drops. What it means is that every time loot is awared there is a 1% chance of it dropping.

That’s why, specifically, Diablo 3 implemented a system in which after multiple failed attempts at that item the game slowly stacks the dice in your favor.


what it also means is that over a large number you should see results equal to that 1% so if you opened 10,000 chest you should have around 100 of said rare item. yes you can open the first 100 and not get one but eventually during one round of 100 openings you should receive more than 1 b/c it should average out at 1 per 100 in order for the odds to be 1%

Me and a friend have 400 hours in the game combined. We play together and always on champion or legendary. We usually get a generals or emperors chest but neither of us has ever seen any red items.

Right, the larger the sample size the more accurate you’ll see the results/percentage.

exactly… yeah it sucks for ppl that haven’t gotten one in 100+ chest but one day they will

and @ashley I don’t think that you get them from general chest on champion (not sure if you are saying that those are some of the chest you’re talking about but it seems to me that you are based on how it’s written.) Also I’m not 100% on this but it’s what I’ve been told by a few ppl… I’d like to also add that I have about 40+ hours on 2 of my friend and each of them have a red (but last night on my 2nd to last run I finally got one so they can no longer taunt me with it!!!) lol

don’t worry in time you’ll get some just don’t get frustrated and if u r then come play with me and i’ll show ya how to troll and have fun :slight_smile:

i love the seasons system. it keeps the game fresh. imagine if we had an option to participate in seasons in vermintide where loot and levels was completely reset. i think it would be fun starting in recruit again and it would certainly help the community learn more about the game (without all their powerful gear to back them up)

then again… i wanna keep any reds i might have found. hahahaha