So they nerfed Power swords.

I am still over here like… Ok.


Your medal will arrive in 3-5 business days.


Oh no only triple the charged hits of Illisi you’re really gonna be sweating.


Oi! That’s a karking beauty. Where did you meet her? Does she have a sister? All I’ve seen so far is her annoying cousins.


To be honest, Illisi is just flat out better than post-nerf PS… a lot better.

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I’m yet to see this stance justified or explained properly…

Psyker is just a much better melee class period at this point but if you’re just examining the weapons in absence of Psyker’s now frankly overtuned global damage bonuses I’m not convinced what you’re saying holds up at all.

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how many tries to get it like this?

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The weapon is basically useless now without a good Power Cycler… You basically have to activate it for every single attack or watch your useless lump of metal take a bazillion hits to kill anything.

In my opinion it just illustrates how bad their all “weapon activation” mechanic really is. Let it be on for too many strikes you have an overpowered weapon - albeit unfun because you have to turn it back on every three or four hits - let it be on for only one strike you have a useless lump.

I really feel like they should just let it activated all the time. With stats along the line of an Antax 5 and a cute constant glow.

Did anyone of you ever heard of a 40K character in any novel walking into a battlefield and purging xenos with an unpowered power weapon ?


A faster light attack that is easy to headshot with and takes out any enemies non-elite in 1 attack, infinite dodge, a bit better mobility, warp resistance as a clear dumb stat makes high mobility stat obtainable, better-uncharged heavies against horde that are faster (it is brutally effective even without special), no slowdown on special action… Should I continue?

We can’t really look at it in a vacuum, both of them are class weapons and should be balanced around the class they are in, but…

Even if we revert some of the damage boosts psyker has now, even with the old setup it vastly overperforms post-nerf PS. It was already pretty close with pre-nerf PS (with the damage boost of the psyker I would have preferred it on Vet).

In the game, Illisi was already far better in engaging shooter/shotgunner groups in melee due to the 1attack 1 kill without charge and easier engagements and pretty comparable in horde situations. PS was better against elite groups (fighting 3-4 maulers for example), now I have to do some testing if this still holds up or not.

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The only thing they changed:

  • Power Cycler now saves you from 2 extra clicks and repeated animations

Great balancing, if you want players to suffer from not having one specific blessing.

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i think you should read changelog again, there are 4 PS nerfs/bugfixes

Yeah, all in all, now you need to activate it after every swing, or once per 3 swings (with Power Cycler).

its worse, once elite gets hit power is off, its useless against crushers and other elites

//edit: unconfirmed speculation from my end, leaving here for context

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Did you find out about it in-game? Because I can’t see such a thing in the logs.

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indeed, its not up there, i am not sure now where i saw it (there are few threads here and on reddit, i must have seen it somehwere or i am losing my mind :p)

anyone with power cyclee could test? (i was not blessed with one yet)

This is the second one I bought out of Brunt’s the day it was released.

I have been EXTREEEEMELY lucky on my Vet with weapons. My Antax could be better with only a 366 base, but it kills well enough. I cannot seem to land a good Agripinaa Shotgun either, but I got one with 80s and above 75s on all but mobility and ammo… So I am kina like… do those reaaaallllly matter?

My other toons have been less fortunate. My vet cannot seem to fail. She must be slipping Brunt and Hadron the contraband or something. Even Melk has a nice treat now and then. headtaker 4 in there for me right now. Need to finish my contracts before 8pm.

Didn’t you toss a fit and quit?
Either way, the sword is the medal.
Sorry not sorry with all the ‘this game is beneath my skills’ posts, I decided to have a bit of a humble-brag. Kick stones. <3

It just won’t go into my head why they thought further nerfing the base number of powered swings was the issue and not power cycler. The lights even with power ain’t worth it and going out of your way for one charged up heavy is also really abyssmal.


I am not sad that the class called Sharpshooter is the least good in melee. All I need my melee for is to kill the one or two things that got past my team. Sharp SHOOTER. Pew pews. I wont share my guns… they are also pretty awesome… point is. Everyone else should be better at sustained killing with melee IMO. That is how I feel about it anyway.

I saw someone else comment on the whole ‘Why reduce the base?’ question.
It makes it on par with all the other activated weapons. None of the others have a blessing to extend their activation. Sharpshooters are not “meant to be” melee beasts. Make room and get back to shooting (yeah, in picture perfect world maybe… ). IF they did it the other way around, the sword would still be a bit more powerful than they want it to be.

Personally, I fell like the sword is a mistake if they need to divorce it from the cannon this much. It is supposed to be a thumb the activator and dispense The Emperor’s justice. Bites through ceramite and stuff. This is not a Power Sword, it is like a power sword… Like a wish dot com version. I only imagine the useful marks must be in the C or L range.
I am good with that though, none of our weapons match the lore. So in this iteration, this is the Power Sword. Okkie dokkie.
This Mk has a short term purpose, I use it for that and then move on. If I bring my axe, that is for more single target stuff.

This sword can deal with chaff all day. I might reroll for maniacs instead now with the changes to all relevant traits. A three swing generation of stagger will put me at a power level to not need to recharge as long as there are threats in my space. IF there are not threats, I have time to recharge.
I do not LOVE the changes and if this were not my weapon, I might be unhappy too. This was absolutely just an ego post.

I wish other people had the luck I have had with my vet. It definitely makes the sting of RNG fails on my other characters hurt less.