Welcome to modern gaming
Crafting doesn’t fit the setting, also we use only ironsights on most of our guns because gun optics are heretical. However, forging new magical weapons from scratch in an abandoned keep with a single forge to fight rats DOES fit the setting. Get with the program, this is real 40k lore baby
Not gonna lie, it took me a second to realize that this was sarcasm. You had me there
FS has really hurt its brand reputation with this
That’s not how development works. The team that does the store (which was probably ready months ago as it’s only enabling access to premade models that we all have on our installs) isn’t the same team that works on network engineering and they aren’t the same team that does the engine rendering.
If the game is not ready to launch (i.e missing entire features) then don’t launch it, especially with the optics of having a facet of monetization existing well before actual gameplay features
I think people are well aware different teams work on different things, but the customer typically only cares about the product as a whole
And well…The product as a whole launched without gameplay features while monetization is in full effect.
It gives off the feeling to players that the mtx shop without gameplay features was more important to ship than having those gameplay features
I’d like to suggest making post and messages to other places:
"If the game is not ready to launch (i.e missing entire features) then don’t launch it, especially with the optics of having a facet of monetization existing well before actual gameplay features
I think people are well aware different teams work on different things, but the customer typically only cares about the product as a whole
And well…The product as a whole launched without gameplay features while monetization is in full effect.
It gives off the feeling to players that the mtx shop without gameplay features was more important to ship than having those gameplay features"
This is exactly the problem. It makes it seem that FS has gone from a company that cares about the long-term viability of their product (as demonstrated in VT and VT2), to a company that cares about nothing but the next quarter - customer be damned. So many titles, launch with scummy monetization schemes, only to be discarded when they are no longer viable.
I hope thats not the case with FS, and I’d like to believe thats not their intent. But this is a PR fiasco they need to address. Soon.
Their owners Tencent are hurting for cash these past few months and really need the holiday sales to try and stay afloat.
Under the managers desk.
Same. This is an early access game. This release is barely any different from beta aside from 2 maps, a barber shop, and a predatory cash shop.
We’ve been lied to yet there are people going out of their way to defend FatShark. It’s sad how low the bar is for some people.