We defeated EA via disney’s shareholders and bad social media traction, we can do so again, Here’s some avenues to how.
Baillie Gifford, is a Scottish Investment company which is Games Workshop’s minority but largest investor interest, they are focused on long-term sustainable investing, you should email via the form provided at the bottom of the linked page, POLITELY, outlining how the game’s cash shop is predetory, makes you not want to spend money in it, and is detrimental to the game and the brand, and risks adverse news coverage, and is generally counter to the aim of long term investment.
In game posting in chat about why the cash shop is bad for consumers is a good idea, but its important to keep it minimal. Maybe something uplifting like -don’t buy cosmetics youre worth more?
More wideley you can contact gaming jouralists on social media asking them to shine a light on this topic. Josh Strife-Hayes, AngryJoeShow, TheJimquistion, aswell as warhammer you tubers, such as discourse minitures, could all make a differance.
You could also try contacting the voice actors to get some of them behind us, remeber to be reasonable and kind, and post in support of threads if they’re already on their social media rather than making duplicates.
You can email Games workshop via their website: games workshop
Addtionally you can consider emailing your local swedish consolate: Swedish Embassy List
and also your local represenatives, they don’t care about games, but they absolutely do care about tax revenue from games. For the UK for US For EU
You can also Upvote and reply to the sub reddit post decrying the state of the cash shop, this can act as a ad hoc survey of those disatisfied with it’s implimentation, it’s at the two thousand mark so sort by top, all time if you don’t see it on the front page.
Within the game, wearing the default jumpsuit might be an ideal way to protest. An in game strike may also be possible.
If you’re in the UK, you can contact consumer advocacy Magazine Which?:
-I am examing further steps to be taken in sweden, legal avenues of challange including discrimination, ani consumer, and anti trust laws, and/or in person steps and will update with any developments.
We do NOT have to accept a shop with the rediculous FOMO and giving Fatshark free money, if we make a big enough fuss, we can convince them railroading players is not in the interests of good bussiness.
Please like, and reply to give the post traction so we can show it to more people.