Predatory practice in the shop

I am ok with premium skin or paying DLC but this shop use predatory practice and it need to be fixed. No skin price correspond to the exact amount of premium currency you can buy in one payment. Pushing people to buy even more currency through not wanting to waste leftover currency due to item pricing is ridiculous and predatory. The fact that a lot of game use this isn’t an excuse. This is an awful practice, there is no other way to describe it. Please remove this currency and let people buy the skin they want directly. Also, paying skin shouldn’t be avaible for limited time only, we know what FOMO is, and it’s also predatory.


I am less bothered by the predatory practice than I am that the predatory practice was prioritized over game features

But yes. It is scummy and it should change.


I agree completely

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then lend us your support in fighting it

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Fatshark adopting these business practices is by far the biggest disappointment for me
However much worse is that this stuff is still legal… :pensive:

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