Should individual enemy damage scaling be removed? Sometimes it feels such BS that a single enemy do so much extra damage just because it's alone

Call it skill issue if you like as outside of weird enemy spawn moments most of these hits are from me being careless.

But that doesn’t make it feel extremely BS and unfair that I lost so much more health just because a marauder is all alone and dealt way more damage arbitrarily just because it’s alone.

I just wish something this arbitrary wasn’t present as it feels so artificial.


I agree… I hate being downed by a silly slave sometimes.

BTW I didn’t know it, but I “felt” it.

I realized something was suspicious.


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What’s even funnier is when you take a hit from a lone enemy because the game spawned it behind your back. Or when the skavenslave stabs you for two thirds of your HP DESPITE being in a horde, because spaghetti code game, I guess.

Particularly bad I find in a lot of newer non-base game maps…chaos wastes and trail of Treachery is lousy with this

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That’s exactly what I mean.

I think you have it somewhat backwards. Isn’t the intention that you take LESS damage when many enemies are around so you don’t end up getting absolutely destroyed during hordes? Removing the feature would mean always taking the big damage.



I think you are an acolyte of Tzeentch.

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