I’m over 500 hrs and suddenly with all the toughness I can amalgamate into my build (yes I’m a Psyker), I’m getting 2-shot to death by unarmored? Has there been another unannounced buff to enemies? What is happening? Why do you keep doing this?
did you get into gas? that kills your toughness, but boosts theirs.
Negative not in gas
PS: I now understand, that all things below would not be needed if you were to throw some evidence.
That sucks mate, sometimes unfun staff happen but many things can be avoided and worked around.
I for myself despise Tox Bombers, they suck ass.
But to actually help you, I need some more info.
Enemy type:
Groaner? Sniper? Dreg bruiser? Dreg stalker?
They are all unarmored mostly.
Max Toughness, Health, Toughness Damage Reduction, just Damage Reduction?
(Also, if you would remember if you had a Zealot with TDR aura near you, it would help)
How much Toughness did you have when the first hit Occured?
How much Health did you have when the first hit Occured?
Is there a chance if anybody else could have also damaged you, or how many enemies did hit you?
(Sometimes multiple enemies can hit you at once, my friend once got One-Shot by 10 Poxwalkers hitting him at once)
Did the enemy shoot you, or hit you?
To answer your questions:
Enemies were not buffed recently, last time it happened was when Clandestium Gloriana was released back in July.
I don’t know, Psyker gameplay.
I mean, they did say they wanted to troll the certain Psyker on 14 of October 2024 by killing them to death
Psyker always dies the hardest, same HP as Vet and 40% less toughness. They also have pretty limited toughness damage reduction vs the rest. Ogg has that glorious global one, some people add that feel no pain node burn trash, Zeal has enduring faith + martyr or crit node + benediction. Veteran has iron will and close order drill. With even basic game sense these will allow for preposterous sloppy gameplay with next to no punish, especially with gold toughness thrown in. The end result is Psyker is the only class you can’t build to take hits.
Psyker doesn’t have a ton of toughnessDR.
Enemies deal significantly more damage when isolated than when they’re part of a horde, making even weaker units capable of two-shotting you in solo encounters.
Really?, i didn’t know
I’d be careful with statements regarding FatShark not buffing enemies recently. If on the day of Clandestium Gloriana release you said such a thing, there would be no reason not to believe you - and yet you’d be proven wrong a few days later when the “missed patch notes” have been released.
“Missed”, lol. Yeah, that’s certainly what happened. They “missed” them.
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