So, I have been trying out some things, and wanted to see if I can Tank the full Sniper shot with my build - in Psykhanium the answer was NO, but in game I did it without any coherency buffs(mainly the Zealot’s one).
Also, i have tested out how much damage does Poxbuster deal and I think it was less in the match, but I have doubts.
for whatever reason the training area isn’t quite 1:1 with actual missions, but this usually doesn’t come up because it does damage to enemies correctly.
the problem is you’re using a mod. do not trust mods.
I can’t speak for the Creature Spawner mod or whatever differences it might have. But yes, there are different modifiers & variables for just about everything. I’m sure you’ll find more googling about it but the gist of it is that there’s like 4 main systems iirc:
Ranged have no toughness penetration and can’t dmg health until you have no toughness left
Melee bleeds through toughness into health, based on your remaining toughness %. So if you have 80% toughness left and get hit for 100 dmg, you lose 20hp.
Some attacks like burster explosions, mauler / crusher overhead strikes, and sniper shots functionally ignore toughness. Mechanically iirc they did something like 1000 toughness damage + the base hp dmg on top, so your total toughness & dmg reduction won’t matter.
Chorus and VoC ofc. add that extra layer when you’re above max toughness (yellow bar), at which point the next hit no matter what it is will not drain all your toughness and can’t penetrate into hp dmg
But tldr; you can’t tank sniper shots or burster explosions without those 2 ults or a shield. What I don’t know but would like to, is whether range immunities like Ghost or Empathic Evasion work against snipers? I’ve never dared to risk and find out.
I do know how damage works in general and I am not asking about how damage works, it’s just wierd how I get different result in game and in Psykhanium with the same setup.
Also, Sniper shot can be tanked without taking Health damage on Ogryn, do not know about other classes, but maybe Veteran.
And, I do remeber how I could tank Poxbuster with full Toughness build(on Ogryn), a Zealot(with TDR aura) or that one talent that gives you resistance while charging the attack(this talent give a lot more damage reduction then it seems), have no proof tho, and everyone are saying I can’t actually.
Well, people are saying that “Creature Spawner” spawns different kinds of mobs, who are different from their in-game counterpart, which is wierd, but oh well.
You can resist snipers and poxies if your toughness manages to eat all the damage or if you have yellow toughness/over toughness.
The first scenario requires some ridiculous eToughness that is mostly only realistic on Ogryn and usually requires curios with extra DR too.
Sniper for example deals 1k toughness damage if I remember correctly, although it might be even more. So you need something like 250 toughness and 75% TDR for you not to take health damage.
The biggest difference is that the psykanium is a local session and being in-mission is server-authoritative. There’s some funkiness, especially with timings, when you go from local game logic to server game logic.