So how does it exactly work? Do i understand it correctly, that if you miss more than 10% toughness you´ll get more bleeding damage than before?
If the changes really works that way that 10%+ will cause more damage than before, then heresy and damnation difficulty spike increased hard, because everything will rob you a big amount of it.
Just dropped with my level 24 char into some heresy missions and the game feels definately harder. Especially range enemies seem to soak more toughness on just 1 hit now.
Also i just got overran by enemies last game. A hound jumped on me, my mates killed it and while i was in the animation to stand up, i got pretty much deleted. Then i started to block and push, but nothing happened. The enemies just stucked into my character, i couldn´t even use dodge.
Had never issues like that before tbh.