Should Brutal Momentum be Nerfed or Changed, and if so how?

Yeah, we can agree to disagree. I don’t see the point in taking PS over BM axe in any situation on vet. It’s also way worse than Psyker FSs by a mile.


Well this is just subjective then. For me Brutal Momentum makes a Night and Day difference on Combat Axes, for you it doesn’t. Also yes Heavy Sword is the best horde clear weapon in the game, however an axe with BM can do a very good job with it while also having higher single target damage and ap.

What other weapons besides Tactical Axes and Combat Axes have BM as a must have, or make has huge of a difference? It’s alright on the Heavy Sword but outclassed by other blessings, and next to useless on the Ogryn clubs (minimal experience with them, I could be wrong).

Best idea I think I’ve seen for BM.

Nothing wrong in this statement. But, the uestion is, is it OP?
And on this, I would say no. A bolter/a kickback/a flamer can wipe easily an horde. A PS wipe easily an horde and can , like the CA, be able to kill any big threat.

Well… tactical axe for sure. And I don’t think that it needs a nerf on a tactical axe, does it?
On Ogryn, latrine shovel has it but it is bugged (no damage on infected).

I don’t think… It is justified on TH (but with duration that make it working), it is not on a CA. Also, again, it would make a new ner needed for the PS.
PS is a versatile weapon, like the CA. But PS is limited to veteran. It would be totally abnormal to see the veteran having best ranged weapon and best versatile melee weapon.

Yeah I guess that’s the biggest sticking point of whether or not it’s op. It’s certainly very strong, but how much would the chain weapons have to be buffed to reach that level? A certain part of it is definitely that some weapons have access to much better blessings, and with people still complaining that the game is too easy I felt that maybe changing some of the top tier weapons might help with that. As for your other examples all of those use ammunition, and the Bolter and Kickback have reload problems, not to mention its a massive waste of ammo on the Bolter. PS is definitely still super strong IF you have Power Cycler.

Probably not, but I honestly prefer the moveset of the Tactical Axe to the Antax, and feel it is still very strong.

CC, mostly. A BM axe requires you to get a headshot kill before you can stagger the entire group of enemies in front of you. A PS doesn’t. It’s a big difference when that group contains armoured enemies.

Also I would say a Power Sword especially with Power Cycler will still clear a horde way faster. I definitely think there’s still a reason to bring a PS on vet, especially if you’re using a more ammo efficient gun.

I confirm… and the PS can also kill a crusher…

No stop nerfing things in a for fun horde game with no scoreboard. Fix bugged items don’t nerf things when the games population is dying off. You can run damnation in gray items.


This never comes up when I play. You can almost brainlessly hack at a group and get the proc, you can push attack first against brawlers. If I see elites I just pull my gun/nades/ult anyway and if I can’t then that’s a situation where I’m always better off having a Caxe.

It can get you out of rager range more reliably, it doesn’t have an interruptable charge animation. Special can stun ragers out of attack animation, it has a way better time against crushers, and shields…

I just can’t see that a bit faster horde clear that doesn’t even reach HS clear speed, can make up for its bad mobility, and the requirement to charge it up. Yeah you can kill Crushers with it, maulers, ragers… But you can do it with Caxe too, usually while being safer, or just use a gun that’s usually faster than both options.

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If we’re talking pure horde without elites, it feels about the same. Axe might even be a little faster because you don’t have to take breaks to activate a special.

So can a BM axe. Just not at the same time.

It’s not common, but when you do need the proc and there’s a crusher in the way it can be an issue. One that you don’t really have to deal with when you’re using a PS. Having a big pack of crushers get right up in your face isn’t super uncommon at T5+.

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It’s overtuned, but I can point out some other reasons why no one is experimenting with other builds and weapons. The big one starts with a c and ends with ting.

fwiw I see just as many players not using the caxe. There’s still a plethora of zealot players trying to enjoy the eviscerator or thammer… emperor bless their hearts.

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When I have a big pack of Crushers I would choose a Caxe in a heartbeat. It’s the best melee weapon to take out a group of them all agrod on you.

So would I (and I do). All I’m saying is that CC is stronger on the PS because it can get that CC without needing to proc it on a kill first.

When I did the tests, PS with PC was faster than CA with BM to clear hordes.
The difference is not really huge, but there’s still a difference…

10s both.
I would say that PS lack of mobility. But PS can kill faster the hordes.
In fact a vet has a real interest to use this weapon… especially when you respect its role and use more your ranged weapon.

And even at T5 normal now… since last patch, the elite spawns are not restricted and you see crushers patrols (and that’s great).

That’s why I added the statement at the end of my post.

Eviscerator isn’t really good past t4. I consistently use my Ironhelm T Hammer and do well, it’s certainly not the best weapon ever but I have a god roll on it and feel confident using it.

But, you have to activate it… Is there something I’m not getting?

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You can proc the PS CC without needing enemies to get in your face first, so it’s guaranteed to be available when you need it. BM axe needs an enemy to kill first, so it isn’t.

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Well, anything can be tuned down from “infinite cleave”… just, who even wants to be on that hill right now?

FWIW Bromentum axe isn’t nearly as omnipresent as PS was. If we can have a non-toxic crafting system, then hell yeah, give me Brutal Momentum with tiered cleave limits that doesn’t get near infinity. I’d love to have a weapon that rewards smarter play, less left clicking thoughtlessly and more uses of pushes or mobility, but not if I can’t tailor a build to reward that.


Oh… Right, that’s… Wow. Yeah if you want to take elites with your melee weapon, sure…

I’m sorry I get what you are talking about now, but I don’t see how this in any way makes PS better on vet of all classes that’s specialty is taking out heavy targets at range.

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I think you might have misunderstood what I’ve been saying. The only thing I said it’s better at is CC, because it can self-proc the CC ability. That’s it.

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