I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it recently, but personally I never thought it would be good because axes are mostly single target damage. Does Brutal Momentum let you hit multiple enemies with the full damage of 1 normal swing?
Yes, once it procs your swings go through everything you see. Making that axe single AND multi target blender
Actually no.
For example, on their own the heavies of Tac Axes can cleave through 2 low mass enemies. With this Blessing, it makes all targets beyond the first take that “2nd target” damage.
So the blessing is especially useful to give some horde cleave and stagger to attacks that usually don’t have any, like the Tac Axe Lights, or the Combat Axes in general (except the push attacks which have good natural cleave).
The reason it’s great is
- each attack staggers all enemies (instead of just 2, in the case of TactAxe) which makes horde-clear far safer
- your total damage per swing increases substantially. One test was a 50% increase to total damage per swing against 5 enemies (TactAxe was only damaging 4 of those 5 enemies, so maybe this blessing only provides +100% cleave max?)
50% more effective DPS in horde situations is overpowered on Combat Axes where they’re amazing at single-target damage already.
I think it might not actually be overpowered on TactAxes. It definitely makes horde clear a breeze, but TactAxe aren’t exactly hitting that hard against Elites so it’s not like you’re amazing at every target type if you have Brutal Momentum on one. Even my recent TactAxe with double damage blessings was slightly disappointing DPS against elites. I still think the weapon type is slightly underperforming, honestly, but I also haven’t even come close to knowing the benefits to each of their attacks so I wouldn’t rule it out yet. (I only recently started using specials to stun ragers, for example.)
You get a strong ST weapon then make it control hordes with cleave.
First hit does full damage then secondary cleave though does half or less but staggers so you can control a horde.
It’s basically a requirement on all axes once your used to it.
Axes are way worse than a heavy swords and evis without it but turn into top tier melee with it.
Also not quite accurate.
Here is the damage table for MK II Taxe heavies:
As you can see everything past the 3rd target takes 0 damage, they’re just staggered.
MK V combat axe light attacks:
In this case every enemy hit beyond the 3rd takes the same damage as the 3rd target. There’s still very significant damage drop off from the first target but you will be doing some damage to everything your swing cleaves.
In general brutal momentum on combat axe and tactical axe is not good because it significantly increases horde DPS (it doesn’t), but because it basically removes a core weakness of the weapon, which is poor group control. This allows you to be more aggressive with less dodges and pushes required to avoid damage and that naturally leads to higher DPS, more safety, and a much lower skill floor to use the weapon effectively.
It’s not that much in practice. Look at the damage drop off in those tables. Enemies hit beyond the first target are very often not killed by cumulative chip but instead later become the first target and get one shot rendering the extra damage built on them previously as essentially just useless overkill. I’m not saying enemies never die to the chip from being 2nd or beyond target hit in your cleave but it’s rarely happening outside of high density and even then not super often. The stagger really is the main draw here, the extra damage is mostly a small bonus. I don’t want to super underplay it either. It can for sure help finish off enemies that have received chip from team makes so situationally I can see it being impactful, just not consistently so.
Pretty much as outlined above. Weapon that lacked any real crowd control in exchange for massive single target damage/stagger now also gets good horde control from just a single blessing that is really easy to maintain with axes swing patterns.
It makes something like antax the best jack of all trades melee weapon in my opinion. There is just nothing that gets as close to it in terms of mobility/damage/control.
Don’t nerf it or I’ll call Batman. It’s the only weapon that I like and that feels equal to V2’s weapons power levels.
Brutal Momentum actually make Achlys VIII axe a lot more viable.
Most of its moveset is over head strike which only hit one enemy at a time and the only cleave move it have is push attack which does medicore damage and not too spamable unless you’re Psyker.
but with Brutal Momentum it turn opening heavy which is the only non-push horizontal attack Achlys VIII have into cleave option. Taking 2-3 enemies out with each swing. You have to keep guard cancel to reset the combo though.
Normally you would have a horrible time using Achys VIII to fight more than one enemy, but with Brutual Momentum you can now actually defend yourself from horde while enjoying its beast tier of single target damage at the same time.
or you could just use Antax V lol
if they gona nerf it all zealots are gona switch to Turtolsky heavy IX with rampage and headtaker XDDD
thats my second favourite
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