About the Brutal Momentum

I don’t know if anyone has noticed that the brutal momentum does not work as described.

Brutal Momentum on combat axe can only damage 4 targets now.

This blessing used to allow the axe to hit a large number of targets when the blessing was activated, but now, this blessing can only damage 4 targets.

Although the blessing changed from lasting for a while to only one attack with a weak spot kill, the description is still to ignore the hit mass of the target, rather than just adding a certain cleave.

However, after testing the comparison between the same kind of blessing Deathblow and the Savage Sweep on the Heavy Sword, it is clear that the Savage Sweep increases the number of targets far more than the Deathblow.

Apparently, this kind blessing is no longer ignore enemy hit mass, but a small increase in the cleave.

Did Fat Shark deliberately hide the nerf detail of such blessings from the player, or did it simply not have the correct update description?

Why Fat Shark always doesn’t want to tell the player how blessings really work, but tries to mislead the player with some confusing description.

If Fat Shark decides to nerf this blessing, at least tell the player exactly which parts have changed, rather than hiding some details.

I’ve filed this issue as a bug and was hoping to get an answer.

My understanding about the way it works now is that it ignores hit mass when killing an enemy with a weakspot kill. If it hits a body, it does not ignore hit mass even if that same swing previously headshot something.

That is, you get infinite cleave on a swing as long as that swing is oneshotting enemies with headshots. The moment a swing hits a body or does not kill the target on headshot, it no longer ignores hit mass and can get stuck in an enemy.

Combat axes don’t have any perfectly horizontal swings (?), so it’s practically impossible to have a swing go through more than 3 or 4 enemies at best since it’ll usually hit bodies instead of heads towards the end of the swing.


If you get good enough with the achlys CAxe you can do just that with the heavy lunge attack. Takes some practice though.

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Fair enough. I wasn’t sure, that’s why I put the (?) in there. I mostly use the other one.

The 3rd Rashad/Antax light attack is also horizontal it’s just a bit harder to aim correctly after two diagonals right before it.

But yeah I’m not sure if there’s a cap on how many enemies you can go through. @wanderingsoul it basically just removes any enemy you head shot kill from your cleave as if they didn’t exist. This means you can hit several enemies in a row for the amount of damage that is normally reserved for the first enemy you cleave. I believe it’s especially good for latrine shovel since its light heavy combo is all horizontal attacks. I’ve also seen like 8 full health Ragers killed by one heavy sword heavy attack with its equivalent version of BM.

There’s definitely a hard cap now, even if you spawn 50 poxwalkers on top of each other it’ll only hit 4. Nothing to do with body zones.


I can use the mod to spawn hundreds of the weakest enemies all together, but no matter how you aim, you can only hit four targets, which has nothing to do with hitting the body.

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I saw somewhere that a cap was in place (don’t ask me where because I can’t remember). Which makes some degree of sense, considering that you do not incur damage falloff for the next target when you get the weakspot kill (otherwise you could theoretically kill a substantial number of enemies in one hit if they stacked up). As to why it’s hidden, IDK

Yeah, there’s a hidden cleave damage cap and a hidden stagger cap for all the melee weapons.

They also keep forgetting the issues with allowing players to infinite or 0% anything and when they try to fix it, they overcorrect which normally isn’t a problem, but it becomes one due to their slow turnaround with changes.

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